Hebraic Musing – How much Hebrew do you already know?
We are into the Jewish High Holy days – the
Fall feasts of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Tabernacles. This might be a good
time to find that you already know more Hebrew than you realize!
Hallelujah Hallel = praise; Jah = short name for God
Adonai Lord
Messiah Coming Savior, or Christ (Greek) or
“the Anointed One"
Jehovah The highest and most revered name of
God from Yod, Hei, Vav, Hei; or hwhy
Elohim Pluralized Name of God—a lesson of its
own re names of God
Frequently used words to help your ear
for Hebrew:
Barukh Blessed, as in Barukh atah Adonai
Melech King
Eloheynu Elohim, Our God
Olam Forever or everything
And now you understand Barukh
Atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech Ha-Olam, the start of many prayers in Hebrew. In English: “Blessed are You, Lord, Our God,
King of the Universe.”
The most favorite prayer of the Jews is
the “Shema”
from Deut. 6:4: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord
our God, the Lord is one.” NIV
is typically recited at least three times a day and is also in the mezuzah
affixed to the doorpost. Identifying Jewish children in orphanages after World
War II was easy. They simply recited Sh’ma
Y’srael, Adonai Eloheynu, Adonai Echad. The children who remembered their
mother’s prayers would cry, thus easily identified as Jewish.
offers you many ways to say Hello: (accent on italicized syllable)
Hello; peace. Shalom (shah-lohm)
when you have to leave, use one of these phrases to say Good-Bye:
Peace. Shalom (shah-lohm)
Be Well. Kol Tuv (kohl toov)
See you soon. L'hitraot (leh-hee-trah-oht)
Finally, a few more
familiar Hebrew words:
Sabbath Seventh day of the week, commanded to
rest with Him
Abba Affectionate
title for “father”, more like “daddy”
Amein Amen
Shabbat Shalom (shah-baht shah-lohm)
Have peaceful Sabbath.
A greeting for all day Friday and during the Sabbath (Saturday)
A greeting for all day Friday and during the Sabbath (Saturday)
L’chaim To Life; made popular by Tevye singing in
Fiddler on the Roof
tov! Congratulations. Lit.:
good luck or "a good sign"
Point to Ponder
Maybe we will all need these greetings at the ‘Pearly Gate’?
Shalom Aleichem (shah-lohm a-Lech-im; Peace to you) Response – Aleichem Shalom
Yosef a.k.a. Joe
Brusherd September 30, 2014
Author of two books “Hebraic Insights” and “Biblical Marriage”
And weekly e-mails “Hebraic Musings”
Author of two books “Hebraic Insights” and “Biblical Marriage”
And weekly e-mails “Hebraic Musings”