Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Harbinger and a Locomotive analogy

Hebraic Musing – The Harbinger and a Locomotive analogy
The day after PeggyMom’s funeral, my friend’s close brother was killed suddenly in a vehicular accident leaving a family and acres of farm animals to be cared for. When he and I finally got together for lunch we processed a question – which is better, to see a locomotive coming or to get blindsided?

I just finished reading a best-seller book that was recommended to me by three respected friends. They were right, I couldn’t put it down. The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn makes biblically prophetic sense of events in America since 9/11/2001. I would classify the book as non-fiction, but written in a captivating story-telling style; and the facts check out! It is a must read for everyone, but alas many don’t care and for that reason I found myself crying at times.

A few years ago a young man was killed at a railroad crossing a mile from our house in our city of Rogers, AR. Now I can attest to the fact that the trains blow loud warning whistles at all the crossings here in Rogers. Based on the newspaper account, he was driving a BMW convertible. Let me paint a picture of a confident young man driving along, listening to his favorite selection of songs with ear buds in his ears to block out world events so he can enjoy the moment. He was oblivious to the news and warnings around him – until BAM!
Points to ponder
What might you do if you can see the locomotive coming?
Or would you rather be blindsided?  If the latter, don’t bother reading The Harbinger.
My friends, I have never been more serious. God’s Word was given to us for a reason.
Yosef                                                                             May 1, 2012
a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd
Author “Hebraic Insights95 messages exploring the Hebrew Roots of Christian faith”

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