Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Musing – What is meant by ‘E-Generation’?

Hebraic Musing – What is meant by ‘E-Generation’?
          May 22, 2012
I have heard the term ‘E-generation’ bantered about and will propose three possible meanings.
1. ELECTRONIC – Today’s youth especially possess a knowledge of computers, iPads, iPods, cell phones, Roku, Wii, Play-stations, Blogging, texting, etc. that has their grandparents scratching their heads. And those with these Electronic gadgets are so wrapped up in using, playing, texting and gaming that they are (a) oblivious to the world around them, (b) not hearing their name being called [we used to call that ‘selective hearing’] and (c) even trying to use these devices while driving! The only Electricity understood in biblical times was lightning from Mother Nature, and sometimes attributed to Father God.  ‘Lightning’ is mentioned 46 times in the NIV and typically a form of communication from God, not Hollywood.
2. ENTERTAINMENT – Authors/developers of Hollywood productions, Apps and Video Games create captivating presentations that capture imaginations and implant powerful images in our heads by using Electronics to indelibly imprint memorable images in our brain. They utilize graphics that were here-to-fore not available. This encourages us to focus on the Entertainment world instead of the real world and/or the Spiritual world.  Hmmm…In biblical times one can picture the family gathered around the campfire together, without radio, TV or other entertainment media. They were either gazing at constellations or honoring the elders of the community by listening to stories of God’s deliverance or studying/learning the Torah. The first textbook in American education was the Bible, followed by Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, which uses the Bible to put words into context. In my book Hebraic Insights, #79 “What if you only had one book to read?” I point out that the Bible has a variety of genres –intrigue, history, wars & battles, gore, love, self-help and education to name a few.  But they are not as juicy as the Hollywood fiction – if juicy is what floats your boat. When I was young we only had radio and its primary purpose was to keep informed of the news, and some wholesome fiction. How much news is garnered by people today; and how can news and Education compare with the enhance appeal of today’s Entertainment?
3. ENTITLEMENT – It seems the younger generation was born with a silver spoon in their mouths and with big government support to facilitate ‘not working’. At the same time debt became the most marketed product since the 1970’s. Credit cards, student loans, auto loans, 100+% home mortgages and National Debt  provide us the opportunity to live in the ‘now zone’ while we avoid the future consequences of our actions. I hear Corporations have had to conduct indoctrination programs to get recently hired college graduates to understand that they are expected to pay their way in the company; not Entitled to a paycheck just because they live in America. If Wall Street Occupiers spent time in other countries, they might not feel so Entitled to whatever they feel Entitled to.
So what does ‘E-generation’ mean? Each E opens up topics, issues and reactions of its own.  Consider Jeanna’s response below.  What do you think?
Points to ponder
Are the three “E’s” inter-related?
Are we using the three “E’s” to draw closer to God?
Shalom Aleichem,
Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd
Author “Hebraic Insights95 messages exploring the Hebrew Roots of Christian faith”
Author “Biblical Marriage” (to be published in June 2012)
Weekly e-mails “Hebraic Musings”   Contact Yosef1@cox.net to be added to distribution.
Response from Jeanna, a home-schooler and missionary extraordinaire ministering in Honduras:
Even more important is what is NOT represented in the E-generation trends. Unfortunately, EDUCATION is not represented on the list of “E’s” – once again a tactic to weaken this generation. The three areas above are also eating away at the purpose we were given life – Relationship, first with God and second with others. The weakening of mankind is setting us up for the Great Awakening and ushering in His Kingdom.   
     Scary? – Yes.   Exciting? – Even more so.   Sobering? – Beyond words!    Are you AWAKE?

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