Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Musing - What was Your Dream?

Hebraic Musing - What was Your Dream?
The prophet Haggai lived in a time when Jews that had been in exile had returned to Jerusalem and had built nice homes for themselves. Remember that they had left their jobs, wealth and friends in Babylon because of their deep desire to honor Almighty God by restoring Jerusalem and the temple.
Is that like us?  When we were youngsters, in life or in the Lord, we had worthy dreams and aspirations to solve world hunger, feed the poor, evangelize the world and serve the Lord with all our might. Then we married, started raising children, bought a large house, pushed our careers in order to make the big bucks and bought more 'toys' to enjoy.
But what happened to the worthy dreams we had years ago? Now the children are grown, the house is bigger than we need and we feel guilty about the time and money we waste on things like TV, sports and other expensive entertainments. Is this similar to the Jews who started enjoying their rebuilt live in Israel or Jerusalem? Is this the situation Haggai was pointing out when he said “Is it a time for you yourselves to be living in your paneled houses, while this house remains a ruin?” — Haggai 1:4
We have all had the lofty goals to serve the Lord, but in various way we lose focus. I have to ask myself, what is keeping me from re-focusing on the things that are really important, like re-building the temple, or whatever that means in my life?
In summary - Here’s the message of the prophet Haggai –
Don’t forget the dreams that you once had
when the time come that you finally get the chance to pursue them!
Points to ponder
What was my original dream to serve the Lord?
How am I being distracted from focusing on fulfilling that dream?
Shalom                                                                                            September 11, 2012
Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd

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