Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Musing - Are you dedicated to YOUR calling?

Hebraic Musing - Are you dedicated to YOUR calling?
Paul called us to stay dedicated to the end of the race in 2 Tim. 4:7-8  I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness,....NIV  
What was it that allowed these four noted men of God to stay the course?
- Moses was called by God to lead the Israelites out of slavery, and he did
- Noah was called to build an ark to save mankind, and he did
- Joseph was called to lead and ultimately to save them from starvation
- Paul was called to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles
What was it that kept these men devoted to their calling all the way to the end?
Answer - it was THEIR calling, and they were focused on THEIR calling, THEIR mission; almost to the exclusion of other callings. Do we see Christians and even pastors following other people's programs or callings?  Many seminars we attend represent someone else's calling, program or anointing; not necessarily yours or my calling. Does that mean Christians and pastors get frustrated and burned out because they are trying to fulfill someone else's calling or anointing?
Pastors, leaders and Christians -- your calling is from the King. If you are not sure what it is, have you asked Him?
Points to ponder
To what calling has God called YOU to?
What is YOUR mission or calling?
Have you written out YOUR calling?
P.S.  If you are concerned you might not be qualified, see the addendum below.
Shalom                                                                                                October 2, 2012
Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd
Author “Hebraic Insights95 messages exploring the Hebrew Roots of Christian faith”
Author “Biblical Marriage” (published  June 2012)
Weekly e-mails “Hebraic Musings” blogging available at  www.InsightsByYosef.com
To be added to distribution -- Yosef1@cox.net    

What is your excuse?    God Can Use You!  The next time you feel like GOD can't use you, just remember...
·         Noah was a drunk
·         Abraham was too old
·         Isaac was a daydreamer
·         Jacob was a liar
·         Leah was ugly
·         Joseph was abused
·         Moses had a stuttering problem
·         Gideon was afraid
·         Sampson had long hair and was a womanizer
·         Rahab was a prostitute
·         Jeremiah and Timothy were too young
·         David had an affair and was a murderer
·         Elijah was suicidal
·         Isaiah preached naked
·         Jonah ran from God
·         Naomi was a widow
·         Job went bankrupt
·         John the Baptist ate bugs
·         Peter denied Christ, Peter denied Christ again, Peter denied Christ for the 3rd time
·         The Disciples fell asleep while praying
·         Martha worried about everything
·         Mary Magdalene was, well you know
·         The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once
·         Zaccheus was too small
·         Paul was too religious
·         Timothy had an ulcer...AND
·         Lazarus was dead!
SO...no more excuses now. God can use you to your full potential. Besides you aren't the message, you are just the messenger. Share this with a friend or two... God can use who He wants in any way He wants to.  I am so glad that He has use for me and you who believe in Jesus the Christ
author unknown

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