Hebraic Musing – Since
We are no longer the ‘Moral Majority’…
When something I read rattles inside my head, I feel
compelled to share it with those whom I respect. Like many of us, I’m trying to figure out –
What is the role of the Church since our nation and the world seem to be ‘going
to hell in a hand-basket’? A recent Wall
Street Journal article entitled From
Moral Majority to 'Prophetic Minority' by Russell Moore, leader
of the Southern Baptist political arm, hit
me as the answer. He says
Christians have lost the culture and need to act accordingly.
my three pages* to one synthesis of his message:
The Bible Belt is collapsing but Russell Moore doesn't seem
upset. The decline may be "bad for America, but it could be good for the
church." Why? Because "We are no longer the moral majority. We are a prophetic minority."
Evangelicals need to recognize that their values no longer define mainstream
American culture the way they did 50 or even 20 years ago. The idea that to be
a good person you have to go to church has largely disappeared. We should view this as an opportunity rather
than as a defeat.
On issues like gay marriage, abortion and religious affiliation,
evangelicals need a new strategy to attract and keep believers, as well as to
influence American politics. Christians
must return to the days when they were a moral example and defenders of belief while
living in a larger, unbelieving culture.
Doom-saying is not winning Christians any popularity
contests, and it is not religiously appropriate either. "We were never
promised that the culture would embrace us." However, we are not to turn
inward and reject the larger U.S. culture. Instead, he encourages us to refocus
on serving as a religious example battling in the public square on three core issues—life, marriage and
religious liberty. He then provides detailed, practical, appropriate biblical
views and some misconceptions regarding –
the unborn – technology will replace abortion centers. Adoptions are also an
issues - Scripture calls us to show compassion and justice for and alien among
marriages - Christians don't have a real understanding of what marriage is.
We’ve embraced a sexual revolution, a divorce culture, and too many believe
"my marriage is my business".
liberty - Contraceptive coverage in ObamaCare is an opportunity for the Church
to unite and thus demonstrate to those outside the Church that the government
is infringing on people’s rights. He says the American people will side with
religious groups that protest having to act against their beliefs.
of Church and State – We need to stand against that lie. "It is not just a
liberal issue."
Mr. Moore sees these issues
as an opportunity to unite believers of many faiths. He then tells of an attempt by the state of
Virginia in the 1600’s to pass a law requiring that all ministers be ordained
by the Anglican Church. Resisting Pastors
were jailed! With that history in mind,
he concludes –
“History turns, but the fight for religious liberty is
eternal” and "We are not going to go quietly into the night."
Point to Ponder
Did Jesus try to be
Politically Correct? Or Tolerant?
Are we willing to pay the
price to speak Biblical truths?
Yosef a.k.a. Joe Brusherd September 3, 2013
Author of
two books “Hebraic Insights” and “Biblical
* The website and full article: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324769704579010743654111328.html?mod=wsj_valettop_email
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