Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Musing – What is in the middle of the Torah and the Bible?

Hebraic Musing – What is in the middle of the Torah and the Bible?
Leviticus 10:16 in the NIV starts with “When Moses inquired about the goat of the sin offering and…. It is so easy to overlook a hidden treasure in this Torah passage.  In Hebrew, the words translated to the word ‘inquired’ are actually two words vrd  vrd or “daarash daarosh” and each one means ‘to seek, enquire, investigate, ask,…’  Did you know that this is the exact middle of the Torah?  We all remember that when ‘Mama’ told us something twice, she meant it!
Does this confirm my Feb.25, 2014  Hebraic Musing – Are we disputing or arguing?  That musing pointed out the argumentative style of learning which is so popular with the Jews, and is the style of their education system in their Yeshivas, and in life.
It is interesting to see how various Bible translations deal with this double word.
ESV –  Moses diligently inquired about…   
CJB – “Moshe carefully investigated what had happened…” (Complete Jewish Bible)
NKJV – “Moses made careful inquiry about…”
KJV – “Moses diligently sought the goat…”
Do you remember that I still want to meet a one handed Rabbi so he wouldn’t say “on the other hand”?  On the other hand, the mid-point in the Bible is Psalm 118 which starts with “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.  NIV   Now, isn’t that a fitting mid-point for our Holy Bible?
These two revelations about treasures tucked away in God’s Word, especially the former, make me all the more concerned for the “Sit, Soak and Sour” Christians who have been taught to not ask questions nor to utilize their ability to exercise critical thinking.  Sages point out that a question creates an open space like a vacuum; and we know that nature tries to fill a vacuum.
Points to ponder
Do we read our Bibles asking:
Why is that in here? 
What does that mean?
How did that fit the culture of that day?
How does that apply in today’s culture?
How does that apply to my life?
Enjoy your Bible study
and don’t be surprised if the facilitator doesn’t have an answer for all your questions – yet.

Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd                                                                   March 25, 2014

Author of two books “Hebraic Insights” and  “Biblical Marriage”
And weekly “Hebraic Musingse-mails
Yosef1@cox.net  or  www.InsightsByYosef.com

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