Hebraic Musing – “Inspirational
Dissatisfaction” is good
I used the expression
“Inspirational Dissatisfaction” in a leadership talk recently and caught some
by surprise. It refers to the state of
being so dissatisfied with a situation that one is motivated or inspired to
take action to fix it. Actually, the seminar was about Leadership, which in
turn deals with Mission Statements and Visions.
But what precedes meaningful Vision? A - “Inspirational Dissatisfaction”
Here are a
few of my favorite examples of “Inspirational Dissatisfaction” – situations that
triggered a willingness to fix a problem at any cost:
1. Popeye and Olive Oil and Brutus -- When Popeye finally had seen enough harm
done to his girlfriend Olive by Brutus, he would say - “I can’t stand no more!”
He eats the can of spinach, muscles grow and he takes action against Brutus. You have to be over 60 to remember that!
2. Moses
“After Moses had grown up, he went
out to where his own people were …. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of
his own people. Glancing around and
seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian….”
Moses could not stand seeing his people mistreated. He took action which cost him his elevated
position. Moses had to leave; but he returned
with a mission, a Personal Core Purpose.
3. David as a shepherd boy heard Goliath
trash talking God. “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he
should defy the armies of the living God?" You know the rest of the story.
4. Nehemiah - Came
back from exile and found the walls of Jerusalem broken down. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the neighbors were
laughing! He had to do whatever it took
to restore the Glory.
5. Church Leaders get ‘holy discontent’
with: Bad music, lost kids, God being misrepresented, corrupt politics, Holy
Spirit not being recognized, Poverty, etc.
they all had Holy discontent and said something like “I had no choice, I had
to…” They all took action because they had
“Inspirational Dissatisfaction.”
Points to ponder
happens when people complain about a situation,
but they are not inspired to fix it?
but they are not inspired to fix it?
bugging you? And what are you going to
do about it?
Pray for the peace of
Yosef a.k.a. Joe Brusherd August 12, 2014
Books author “Hebraic Insights” and “Biblical
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Yosef1@cox.net or www.InsightsByYosef.com
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