Monday, October 27, 2014

Musing - What did God Create in Genesis? And slide show

Irene and I just returned from 2 weeks experiencing Jerusalem.  For slide show (copy to browser):
Hebraic Musing - What did God Create in Genesis?
We are all familiar with the book of Genesis. At the end of six days, God looked at all that He had created and declared that it was good. And on the seventh day our NIV Bible says in Gen 2:3 “And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.”  The literal translation of the original Hebrew reads  “Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work which God had created for it to continue to make.  In the CJB (Complete Jewish Bible) the last few words are “…so that it itself could produce.”
What exactly does that mean?  Could it be that when God created the world, it was only the beginning of the creation process? Did God create us so that together, we could continue to create the world and mold it into a perfect place?  This is what the verse means in Hebrew by “the work which God created for it to continue to make.” God started a process and He created everything necessary to continue the process.  But He left it up to us to finish the work as partners with God.
God had created man a little earlier and He declared, “Let us make mankind in our image…” Gen. 1:26.  Was God talking to all of us, all humanity, as if to say “Let us create humans together.  Let us work together to create these wondrous beings called humans and work together to develop all the potential which I have placed within him or her”?  Every day you and I have a mission and a partner with which to accomplish creation. Our mission is to make ourselves and the world a better place in any way that we can with God as our partner.
The Jewish way of thinking tells us to “Wake like a lion!”  Begin your day by “Waking the dawn”;  “A person must wake the dawn.”  The dawn shouldn’t wake us up; rather, we should wake up the dawn with enthusiasm to start our day.”[1] 
Psalm 57:8 tells us “Awake, my soul! Awake, harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn.    
Psalm 118:24 is our popular song “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Ultimately, it’s not so important when we wake up in the morning, but how we wake up. We need to start each day with the kind of passion, enthusiasm, and determination that can chase away the darkness of the night and bring the morning light.
Points to Ponder
How can we awaken the dawn?  Be a lion - get a “tiger in your tank”
What does God want us to create each day?

[1] Inspired by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein – October 2014

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