Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Musing – How Important is “Relationship Before Rules”?

Hebraic Musing – How Important is “Relationship Before Rules”?
We have heard that expression "relationship before rules" many times; or we heard the inverse, “Rules without Relationship leads to Rebellion.”  Basically it says that rules cannot be applied, followed or respected until a relationship has been established.  I’ve heard this before but just recently realized a number of applications of this principle. 
First, it is frequently applied to the parenting process where the parents need a relationship with the child before the child can accept and comfortably follow the rules of the house and the rules of life the child will have to internalize as he/she matures.
Secondly, I am thinking of the relationship that we have with Jesus Christ; and because of that relationship we are more than happy to follow His rules. The degree of “happiness” is in direct proportion to the relationship.  And since Jesus had a high regard for and excellent relationship with his heavenly Father (who is also our heavenly Father) we have a willingness to follow the rules established in Bible. And these rules include the infamous Ten Commandments as-well-as many guiding principles to a victorious life.  If we have the appropriate relationship with God, then the desire to follow his rules comes naturally.
The third application, which is like the exception that proves the rule, is the rebellious nature of the modern generation and the problem of lawlessness that we experience in today's news. We see this in the gangs, ISIS and rebellious single parented children, just to name a few.  Most of the individuals in those groups abide by the rules of their gang where the relationship is strongest. And the gang/group’s set of rules can be rather contrary to the Ten Commandments and God-given morality that we have come to expect from fellow human beings. These groups have their relationships within their own groups and therefore the individual members follow the rules of group, even if the rules and morality contradict what we have come to expect in society.
Two points to ponder
How can we establish a relationship with those in rebellious groups
 in order to instill the correct rules and morality?
How can we enhance our own relationship with God
such that following his rules is pure joy?
Now you know why I want to stay in relationship with you?           June 16, 2015
Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd

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