Monday, November 30, 2015

Musing – Would Jesus Post on FaceBook?

Hebraic Musing – Would Jesus Post on FaceBook?
We get a kick out of cartoons like this but this technology is here to stay and has become the today’s M.O. (Modus Operando). Should we embrace it and utilize it?  WWJD? 
In Deuteronomy 6:6-9 we are told to talk 24/7 about God’s plan for us - “These commandments … are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Tie them as SYMBOLS ON YOUR HANDS and bind them on your foreheads….”  NIV  
I didn’t think I’d ever support social media’s infringement on face-to-face communication; however, I have come to admit that use of FB keeps me in touch with way more friends and family than I could without it.  Phones and e-mail lack the spontaneity of FB or texting. 
The biggest objection I’ve heard from Christians has to do with the casual nature of relationships in social media.  Can or should FB and Twitter be accepted and supported by Christians?   BTW I still do have meaningful relationships and face-to-face access to friends, family and associates; and communication with FB friends & family represent contact that I would not otherwise have if it were not for FB, and texting.  Since social media is often viewed as impersonal without depth of relationships; how can we develop an accountability relationship?  Is it too easy to ”unfriend” someone with whom you disagree? 
Let’s ask a bigger question, how would Jesus use social media?  WWJD?
·      Would Jesus fear being “unfriended” for posting photos of those outlandish miracles as testimonials?
·      Would He want ushers to confiscate phones being used during the service for texting, posting, etc.?
·      Would Jesus use the posts to preach?  Or to tell people His location and where he will be going next for those interested in following Him?
·      Would He “friend” someone who smokes, drinks or posts smutty stuff?  Would He “friend” non-Christians?  Would He “Un-friend” someone who posts stupid stuff?  Would He ever “unfriend” anybody?
·      Would He put His phone down when talking to His Father?  Or when ministering, talking to or counselling with someone in need?  Or when He’s talking to you?
·      Would Jesus use FaceBook to replace face-to-face meeting opportunities with people?
·      Would Jesus be “unfriended” if He posted too many Bible verses?  Or would He wisely mix in a goodly amount of fun pics and humor? 
·      Would He critique bothersome examples of hypocrisy in the news?
·      Would Jesus post content of those private moments He has with friends, family, you or anyone?
If you think too much time/space is wasted with FB postings of meals and pets, etc., how can we make our own posts and tweets more purposeful, and Christ-like? 
Point to ponder
What do you think?  Would Jesus “friend” you on FB?  Twitter?
Would He “unfriend” you if you disagreed with Him?
Is there any reason why you would “unfriend” Him?
Shalom y’all                                                                                        December 1, 2015      
Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd,   Author:                       
Hebraic Insights”  “Biblical_Marriage” “Musings v.1 – A Victorious Life”
“Musings v.2 – The Torah and New Testament”
Weekly “Hebraic Musings
For Facebook---
Would Jesus Post on FaceBook?
We get a kick out of cartoons like this but this technology is here to stay and has become the world’s way. Embrace it or utilize it?  WWJD? 
In Deuteronomy 6:6-9 we are told to talk 24/7 about God’s plan for us - “These commandments … Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Tie them as SYMBOLS ON YOUR HANDS ……   NIV  
I didn’t think I’d ever support social media’s infringement on face-to-face communication, but I’ve come to admit that use of FB has kept me in touch with way more friends and family than I could without it. 
Let’s ask a bigger question, how would Jesus use social media?  WWJD?
·      Would Jesus fear being “unfriended” for posting some of those outlandish miracles as testimonials?
·      Would He want ushers to confiscate phones being used during the service for texting, posting, etc.?
·      Would Jesus use the posts to preach?  Or to tell people His location, and where he will be next, for those interested in following Him?
·      Would Jesus “friend” somebody who smokes, drinks or posts smutty stuff?  Would He “friend” non-Christians? 
·      Would He “Un-friend” someone who posts stupid stuff?  Would He ever “unfriend” anybody?
·      Would He put His phone down when talking to His Father?  Or when ministering, talking to or counselling someone in need?  Or when He’s talking to you?
·      Would Jesus use FaceBook to replace face-to-face meetings with people?
·      Would Jesus be “unfriended” because He posted too many Bible verses?  Or would He mix in a goodly amount of fun pics and humor?  Would He critique bothersome examples of hypocrisy in the news?
·      Would Jesus post content of the private moments He has with friends, family or anyone?
If you think too much time/space is wasted with FB posts of meals and pets, etc., how can we make our posts and tweets more purposeful? 
Point to ponder
Would Jesus “friend” you on FB?  Twitter?
Would He “unfriend” you if you disagreed with Him?
Is there any reason why you would “unfriend” Him?
What do you think? 

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