Hebraic Musing – What were the real reasons for the ten plagues in Egypt?
The story in Exodus of the ten plagues endured by Egypt is so
awe-inspiring and spectacular that it foreshadows the more important message. Many analyses have equated the plagues to defeat
of various Egyptian gods. Let’s look at
two very personal results.
God needed to remind His people that He was still an Almighty
God. His people had been in captivity
for 400 years and now were in slavery. Can you imagine how important that would
be to His people in captivity for so many generations? He demonstrated His power with a series of
plagues – Water into blood, Frogs, Lice or Gnats, Flies, Livestock diseases;
Boils, Thunderstorms, Locusts, Darkness; and finally, Death of the FirstBorn.
Can you imagine the impression that made on the beleaguered Israelites, and
their faith in God?
Now let’s look at the impact on Pharaoh and the Pharaoh’s
personal relationship with God. Remember,
God loves everyone.
Pharaoh was first introduced to God by Moses who said, “This
is what . . . the God of Israel, says: ‘Let my people go’” Exod.
5:1-2. And Pharaoh replied, “Who is
the LORD, that I should obey him . . . I do not know the LORD and I
will not let Israel go”. Pharaoh
did not recognize the God of the Israelites. He could not conceive that there
might be a power greater than he; so God decided to start making Himself known.
Pharaoh had to learn exactly who God is
in progressive stages. Up until then, Pharaoh was taking public credit for being
god, creator and controller of everything.
When the Nile was turned to blood, Pharaoh’s magicians were
able to repeat the trick. Pharaoh
concluded that the God of Israel may be powerful, but not more powerful than he.
So with the plague of gnats, Pharaoh was confronted with a
different conclusion. His magicians couldn’t replicate the plague; they were
defeated by the God of Israel, so they told the Pharaoh: “This is the
finger of God” Exod. 8:19. Pharaoh and his advisers recognized that the
God of the Israelites was stronger than they, but only by a little bit – just a
“finger of God” — just slightly more powerful.
Finally, when Egypt was pounded by fire and hail and Pharaoh
stood in his decimated country where only Goshen was miraculously spared, the
land belonging to the Israelites. Only
then did Pharaoh come to know the God he had been denying. Pharaoh finally realized that he offended God who
was all powerful and worthy of adoration.
“Then Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron. ‘This time I have sinned,’
he said to them. ‘The LORD is in the right, and I and my people are in the
wrong. Pray to the LORD, for we have had enough thunder and hail. I will let
you go; you don’t have to stay any longer.’” Exod. 9:27-28
We now see that the Israelites were shown their God as
Almighty and caring; and Pharaoh, an individual, came to know an Almighty
God. Many people go through life
thinking that they are in control, and the universe centers around them. They make themselves to be “God.” Pharaoh had to learn his lesson the hard way.
We do not call the shots, and we are not in control.
If you read Exodus 5 to 12 with this in mind, you might enjoy
this fresh perspective?
Points to ponder
Do we really know how powerful the God of Israel really is?
Do we worship Him accordingly?
♫ What
a mighty God we serve! ♫
Yosef a.k.a.
Joe Brusherd, January 26, 2016
Author: “Hebraic Insights” “Biblical Marriage” “Musings v.1 – A
Victorious Life”
“Musings v.2 – The Torah and New Testament” Weekly “Hebraic Musings” www.InsightsByYosef.com
“Musings v.2 – The Torah and New Testament” Weekly “Hebraic Musings” www.InsightsByYosef.com