Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Musing – What might these recent “Prophetic” events mean?

Hebraic Musing – What might these recent “Prophetic” events mean?

For the implications of these trends, be sure to read the attached pages contain frightening information from Israeli news about current events in Europe, not found in our local media. To paint the big picture for these 2015 events, I will assume Bible references and current news implications are already known. 
Israel’s worsening isolation – no explanation needed if you follow the news. Israel only has support from some evangelical Christians spread around the world. She has no superpower backing.
The "days of Noah" are back. “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man  Matt 24:37   And  In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.” Judges 17:6  Does this sound like today’s ungodly lawlessness, glorification of evil and lack of a moral compass?
The rise of strong delusions – “…every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing.” 2 Thess. 2:10.  A list of delusions per Jan Markell – “Islam is good and peaceful; guns are evil; climate change is more dangerous than jihadists; Israel is the bad guy and the Palestinians are the new heroes in the church today; ISIS isn't Islam; Muslim refugees are peaceful and will help the Western world. This is an "Alice-in-Wonderland" world. Christians don't fit. The Mad Hatter rules.”  Do you agree?
Decline of America – America is weakening, is not in the Bible and is blending into global government.
The Gog-Magog nations in the news – Iran, Russia, Turkey & Libya aligning around/against Israel.
Israel & ISIS bombing Damascus – Damascus becoming a ruinous heap. (Isa. 35:1)
Technology marginalizing truth and Christianity – Warped knowledge, censorship, privacy, de-personalization, etc. being promoted by YouTube, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Windows 10, etc.
Push for Globalized religion – Liberal denominations, Pope Francis’ statements, socialistic politicians, leaders, environmentalists, etc. view religions as interchangeable – “we all worship the same god”!
Israel’s Temple Mount – A focal point of turmoil this year – the most contested 35 acres on earth!
Liberal, Godless Europe is imploding – Acceptance of terrorists as “Refugees” has accelerated the process of persecution of Christians and implementation of Sharia law in Europe where Christianity originally had its deepest historical roots.  (SIGNIFICANT - Be sure to read the attached news clips)
Evangelicals are buying lies – This was the year, 2015, when evangelical Christians began accepting the gay agenda and many are asserting that Allah and Jehovah are one and the same. Jan Markell concluded by saying “Finding a solid church became a believer's biggest challenge in 2015.”  This is VERY TRUE!  Irene and I had to leave a church suddenly in mid-year 2015 because those lies were preached from the pulpit!!!
There are many more “Prophetic” signs/events, but I limit these musings to only one page.
Points to ponder
Does the frog jump out of the frying pan when he is lukewarm?
What did Jesus want us to do about --
“Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven”
I never said all ‘musings’ would be ‘amusing’.   Shalom y’all.
Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd,                                  January 12, 2016
Author: “Hebraic Insights”  “Biblical Marriage” “Musings v.1 – A Victorious Life”
“Musings v.2 – The Torah and New Testament”
Weekly “Hebraic Musings   InsightsByYosef.com

Note - Inspired by “Top Bible Prophecy Stories of 2015  Jan Markell; Dec. 28, 2015  www.olivetreeviews.org   Additional headlines in Jan Markell’s article include – Disillusionment with today's politicians; America is being given over to paganism; Israel is being prepared for the Antichrist; Christians are mocked as never before and Jews are fleeing to Israel; Globalism went on overdrive; The push to make cash illegal intensified in 2015.

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