Hebraic Musing – What we say, or how we say it?
Josiah was a good king and took on the huge task of restoring God’s Temple. Kings before him had neglected and even desecrated the holy space. During the renovations, the workers were thrilled to uncover an ancient Torah scroll that had been hidden away in the Temple walls. But the joy was short-lived when they discovered that the scroll was open to an ominous section in Deuteronomy that describes all of the terrible things that will happen to the Jewish people if they forsake the ways of God. The king was deeply shaken and heartbroken remembering how his father and grandfather had lived. He rent his clothes and ordered his men to take the scroll to a prophet for further clarification and advisement.
During the time of Josiah, there lived three renowned
prophets. Jewish tradition teaches that Jeremiah prophesied in the streets of
Jerusalem; Tzefaniah prophesied in the synagogues; and Huldah – a woman – had a
school for women. Together they formed
the spiritual leadership of the nation.
Jewish tradition says that from all of the great prophets
that were available at the time, the men chose to go to Huldah. Why?
and those the king had sent with him went to speak to the prophetess Huldah,
who was the wife of Shallum son of Tokhath, the son of Hasrah, keeper of the
wardrobe. She lived in Jerusalem, in the Second District:. 2 Chronicles
34:22 NIV
The truth is that any prophet they would have gone to would
have said exactly the same thing. A prophet is required to speak the word of
God word for word. The king and his men already had a good idea of what the
prophet was going to tell them. They knew that they could not change what they
were about to hear, but they could change the way in which it was said.
Huldah, as a compassionate woman, would give over the prophecy with love and
grace. If they were about to hear bad news, at least she would break it gently.
Just as Josiah anticipated, Huldah prophesied that the Jewish
people were about to experience the exile described in Deuteronomy. And she
concluded it would not happen in Josiah’s lifetime because of his righteousness;
but it was on its way.
The reaction to the prophecy was positive. Josiah led the
people in repentance and even though they never did fully return to God,
perhaps it was that strengthening of spirit that gave the Jews the ability to
withstand the harsh exile. This productive reaction and positive outcome can be
attributed to Huldah. Had another
prophet conveyed the message it might have resulted in despair, defensiveness
and more distance from God. Huldah’s
gentle tone inspired hope and encouraged change.
Every time we speak, people hear so much more than just the
words we say. They hear how we say them. So whenever we open our mouths to
speak, we have an opportunity to encourage and give hope through our words and
tone; or we have the ability to tear down and cause despair.
Points to ponder
If we need to deliver bad news, should we consider what and how Jesus would say it?
If we have bad news or a criticism, should
we assess our love for the recipient?
And if we do not love them enough, then what?
“Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” Proverbs 16:24
Yosef a.k.a.
Joe Brusherd, May 24, 2016
Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages exploring the
Hebrew roots of our faith” “Biblical
Marriage” “Musings v.1 – A Victorious
Life” “Musings v.2 – The Torah and New
Weekly “Hebraic Musings” www.InsightsByYosef.com
Weekly “Hebraic Musings” www.InsightsByYosef.com
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