Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Musing - Playing in a Band, a parable

Hebraic Musing - Playing in a Band, a parable
My friend Johanna Hocker describes her role in a local band. Here is how she describes her role:
“I play the flute in a city band during the summers.  We play weekly concerts at the bandshell in the local park, thrilling our audiences with stirring marches, pop tunes and occasionally some really challenging pieces.  Each member of the band has a musical ‘score’ to follow.  We are obliged to follow what the music tells us; what volume to play, what notes to play, when not to play, how fast to play and what rhythm to play.  If a band member plays a wrong note or plays when the music indicates a rest, or does anything contrary to the score or the director, they will be chastised by both the other band members and the director.  If a person repeatedly goes against what is written in the music they would, no doubt be asked to leave the band.
“We have been given a ‘score’ and it is called the Bible.  It has been called, Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.  Yehovah is our director and our fellow band members are the body of believers.  Society, including some who claim to be fellow believers, repeatedly tell us not to follow the score (the Bible).  They tell us to stop being legalistic and do as we please.  They tell us to stop doing what the director, our creator, wants us to do.  Imagine the cacophony in Yehovah's ears with our spiritually loud, confusing and disagreeable sounds of noise and dissonance. 
“Everyone in the band wants their fellow band members to play their instruments according to what is written in the pages of the music, but few want to live their lives according to what is written in the pages of the Bible. 
“Oh we might pick out the parts where we play a beautiful melody, like John 3:16, but then ignore the theme of Leviticus which tells us to worship Yehovah with total surrender, like an animal burnt to a crisp in a BBQ.  Band members cannot pick out which measures of music they want to play; they are bound to the music; just like believers need to be bound by the entire Bible.
“Today's denominations are like sections of the band, each one saying our music is better than yours.  Who has written the music you are playing?  Did you write a solo for yourself to be seen, heard and admired, or is your music one long rest after another as you sit back and do nothing, never even opening the Bible. 
“If you want to be in the band, the Kingdom of Yehovah, you need to read the score, the Bible; then like a good band member holding his instrument properly, using his mouth to connect with the instrument.  Then and only then will his proper fingerings according to the music’s score blend in with others to accomplish the goal, and great is their reward!
“If we are looking for a reward we must live according to the Bible, with all those seemingly complicated rhythms of the Torah and Prophets, in addition to the melodic Psalms.  We have had enough cacophony, now it is time to abandon man-made theology and focus on the timeless musical score of Yehovah.” 
Points to Ponder
Are we paying attention to the score?  Or are we adding to the cacophony?
Are we contributing to harmony in the Kingdom of God?

 Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.  
         Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord
   Eph 5:19

Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd                                   December 6, 2016
Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith” 
“Biblical Marriage” “Musings - A Victorious Life”  “Musings - The Torah and New Testament”
Weekly “Hebraic Musings      www.InsightsByYosef.com
Note:  Inspired by Johanna Shager Hocker’s e-mail of Oct. 25, 2016

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