Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Musing - Why aren’t we doing what we’ve been called to do?

Hebraic Musing - Why aren’t we doing what we’ve been called to do?
Or as our pastor challenged us men – “Why aren’t we living up to the things we were called to do?”  I think he was rubbing our noses into the red letters in Mark 16:15-16 "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.  Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.” NIV   Our pastor said that to us men while we were studying the book of Acts; we were marveling at the repeated examples of testimonies, boldness, encouragement and Holy Spirit reliance.  And those were the actions that resulted in explosive church growth as “many were added to their numbers daily”.
We are in a Western culture that has bought Satan’s lie – “Religion is a private matter”.  Here is a little testimony from a brand new Christian who excitedly tried to share his new-found faith. 
Shortly after I became a Christian, I talked with some non-Christian friends and neighbors about my newfound faith. They were genuinely delighted that I had found ultimate meaning and purpose for my life. But when I invited them to join me to hear more about my new discovery, they demurred. It seemed that, for them, faith was strictly a private matter of personal choice.”
I too have difficulty with those who say “Your religion is a private matter”; my Savior died naked and humiliated on a cross/stake at the Damascus Gate, the most public gate in Jerusalem.  No!  My religion is not a private matter; my religion started as a very public matter.
Study of the book of Acts reveals the reasons for the explosive growth of the early church.  What were they doing that we might not be doing now?
·      Personal testimonies – People argue with teachings and preachings, but cannot dispute our testimonies.
·      Going boldly – Believers in the book of Acts were willing to die for their Lord!
·      Sent to other people groups – Yes, they even met with and witnessed to the dogs – the gentiles!
·      Healings & miracles – God supported their effort; it started with the miracle of Resurrection!
·      Scripture quotations – They quoted Scripture to supported the messages, and all from the OT!
How often is the Holy Spirit’s voice squelched when we do not speak up?  How often has the Holy Spirit already prepared the other person to listen?  I wish I had a nickel for every witness I rejected before I accepted Christ!  Each played a critical role – I remembered what was told me, even though I pretended not to be paying attention.
Does evangelistic fervor come more frequently from those who accepted Christ as their Lord when they were adults?  Adults have to overcome a lot more of the worldly stuff they have accumulated in their lives?  A child’s decision does not require as striking a change in friends, habits, behaviors, etc.  When we are older we  process, appreciate and testify to the changes required when we made Jesus our LORD.
Points to ponder
Why does the word “Go” appear 189 times in the Gospels alone, and mostly in red letters?
Why are we are willing to argue with others about political candidates, but…?
Are we like the church in Ephesus? “You have forsaken your first love.” Rev 2:4
Does salvation require more than just simple belief that Jesus existed?
Just because your loved ones go to church, does that mean Jesus is their Lord?
Didn’t we learn in Kindergarten to SHARE?
Who will I meet today who does not know Jesus as their Lord?
“And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”  Acts 2:47
Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd                                               May 16, 2017

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