Musing – Was Moses an Archetype of Jesus,
the Messiah?
The first biblical description of the coming Messiah was
revealed to Moses by the Lord so that Moses could tell the people. Remember, the people did not want to hear directly
from God “or we will die” so Moses explains “The Lord said to me: ‘What they say is good. I will raise up for them a prophet like
you from among their brothers; I will put my words in his mouth, and he
will tell them everything I command him.
If anyone does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my
name, I myself will call him to account.’”
Deut. 18:17-20 NIV Thus
the Lord spoke through Moses and established three messianic criteria:
1. 1. Lord
will raise up “a prophet” like Moses, with special words.
2. 2. That
prophet will have special, unique authority.
3. 3. God
says to Moses that the prophet will be “like you”.
If we compare life events of Moses and of Jesus Christ (or
Yeshua HaMashiach) there are at least 27 distinct parallels between their
Both Moses and Jesus were born while Israel was
under foreign rule – Egyptian; Roman
Cruel Kings ordered the killing of the infants –
Midwives to kill male newborns; Herod’s
edict to slay those under 2 years old
Faith of their parents saved their lives – Placed
in the Nile; Fled to Egypt
Both found protection for a while in Egypt – Raised
in Pharaoh’s home; Early years in Egypt
Both displayed incredible wisdom and
understanding – Moses learned Egypt’s wisdom; Jesus impressed the scribes at His Bar Mitzvah
at age 12
Both displayed remarkable meekness and humility
– “Most humble man”; “Come to me”
Both were completely faithful to God – Heb 3:2-3
“He was faithful to the one who appointed him, just as Moses was faithful in
all God's house.”
Both were rejected by their own people for a
time – Had to flee after interfering with Hebrews fighting; His own people selected Barabbas
Both criticized by their brothers and sisters – Miriam & Aaron re Ethiopian wife;
“Even His brothers did not believe in
Him.” John 7:5
10. Gentiles
received them both after both were rejected by Israelites – Moses had to live
in Midian; Jesus rejected by Jews but
accepted by Gentiles in the book of Acts
11. Both
asked for forgiveness for God’s people – “Yet now, if you will forgive their
sin…”; “Father, forgive them…”
12. Both
were willing to bear the punishment for the people – “Blot me out…”; “Christ suffered once for sins…”
13. Both
fasted for 40 days – To receive the 10 commandments; Led by the Spirit into the desert…
14. Moses
and Jesus both spoke to God face-to-face – “With him I speak face to face”; God’s only begotten Son
15. Both
went to high mountains to speak to God – Mount Sinai for commandments; A high mountain for the Transfiguration
16. Both
had shining faces after meeting God – Coming down from Sinai; At the Transfiguration
17. God
spoke audibly to both – Lord called Moses to the top…; “I have glorified it…” John 12:23
18. Angels
attended both their burials – Michael disputed the body; Angels rolled back the stone
19. Both
appeared alive after their deaths – At the Transfiguration; Visited with disciples after resurrection
20. Both
were teachers – “Now, O Israel, listen to the statutes and the judgements which
I teach you to observe…”; “Rabbi, we
know that You are a teacher come from God…”
21. Both
shepherded God’s people – Trained as a shepherd in Midian for his future role; “I am the Good Shepherd…”
22. Both
revealed God’s name to His people – “I am who I am”; “…keep through Your name those whom You have
given Me…”
23. Supernatural
food was provided by both – Manna/quail; Feeding 5,000
24. Both
brought deliverance to God’s people – “…I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my
people out of Egypt”; “He has anointed
me to preach good news to the poor…”
25. Both
brought healing to the people – Bronze serpent on the pole; “by His stripes…”
26. Both
worked miracles – “For no one has ever shown the mighty power or performed the
awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel.” Deut. 34:12 ; Jesus is well known as a miracle-worker
Both Moses and Jesus sealed a blood covenant
between God and His people – “Moses then took the blood, sprinkled it on the
people and said, "This is the blood of the covenant that the Lord has made
with you…” Ex 24:8; “He entered the
Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood,…” Heb 9:12
Much more than mere coincidence!
to ponder
What do we miss by not
reading the whole Bible?
Was God’s plan of salvation
for us modeled in Moses’ life?
The OT is the NT concealed; the NT is the OT revealed.
Yosef a.k.a.
Joe Brusherd June 20,
Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith”
“Biblical Marriage” Weekly “Hebraic Musings” www.InsightsByYosef.com
Note – Inspired by and excerpted
from “Beginning of the End” by John
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