Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Musing – Everybody loves a “Comeback” story!

Hebraic Musing – Everybody loves a “Comeback” story!
When I watch a sporting event, unless it’s my home team, I find myself rooting for the underdog team.  I want to see a Comeback, defying the odds.  Did you know that the Bible is full of victorious Comeback stories?
·      Abraham – laughed at God.  “Will Sarah bear a child at the age of ninety?"  You know what happened!
·      Joseph – was rejected by 10 brothers, falsely accused, jailed, etc.; but became COO of greatest nation!
·      Moses – started life as “alligator meat” in the Nile, exiled, became a lowly shepherd in the wilderness; but led Israelites out of bondage to the Promised Land and gets credit for authoring the Torah!
·      Gideon – was a boy threshing wheat in hiding, doing a woman’s job and heard "The lord is with you, mighty warrior."  So he assembled and led an army victorious over the Midianites. 
·      David – was the youngest son of Jesse, a shepherd boy, hunted by King Saul, incurred self-inflicted losses; but he’s recognized as a man after God’s own heart, became king with an everlasting covenantal relationship.
·      Esther – a Jewess in Persia, risked death, “for just such a time as this”; and her obedience saved the Jews.
Many more in the New Testament:
·      Lazarus – is an example of Comeback victory!  Dead and stinky for four days and walks out of the tomb!
·      Woman at the well – was living amongst the Samaritans and did not have a Godly life-style.  Jesus confronted her quite directly, she recognized Him; as a result, she brought all the townspeople to Jesus!
·      Peter – couldn’t get his foot out of his mouth, denied Christ three times; but became key leader of the Faith!
·      Saul – was going the wrong way, persecuting and killing Christians; but in the end he brought Christianity to the Roman Empire and ultimately to the Western world.
·      Jesus – had and will have two “Comebacks”.  First His resurrection from the grave; and then 3X in the book of Revelation Jesus promises "Behold, I am coming soon!”    Now if that isn’t a Comeback promise!?!
Life Application: What do we have to Comeback from?  We are born into this world and we easily become part of the worldly team as we find/found ourselves slavishly playing with and for that team.  We are reminded of our daily fleshly battle. “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.  For all that is in the world — the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life — is not of the Father but is of the world. 1 John 2:15-16  NKJV
Thus, we find ourselves:
·         Lusting for materialistic things to satisfy our cravings of the moment.
·         Looking and then lusting for that which does not belong to us. (Commandment #10)
·         Prideful boasting about our own accomplishments while seeking man’s approval and worship; forgetting that our every breath comes from our Creator, to whom we will return.
Our own salvation testimonies are Comeback stories.  How many of us came to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord as a result of observing the ultimate Comeback story of a believer victorious over the odds in their life situation?  We were on our way to hell but had a Comeback to our senses as we recognized Jesus as our Lord.
Alternatively, those who do not seek a Comeback are described in Proverbs 26:11   As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly. 
What can be more exciting than to see a friend, family member, neighbor or anybody experience a Comeback victory?  And it is even more exciting if we played a part in their Comeback!
Points to ponder
Did God provide you with a Comeback victory? 
Do you deserve your “Victory in Jesus”?
Whom do you know who needs a Comeback victory?
“…I will come back and take you to be with me…” John 14:3
Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd                          June 25, 2019
Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith” 
“Biblical Marriage (by Yosef)”     Weekly “Hebraic Musings
Note – Inspired by message from Pastor Tom Hatley, Immanuel Baptist Church, June 23, 2019

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