Hebraic Musing – “I Love Fishing!”
I love fishing just as much as catching. Before I knew Jesus, a mentor taught me to
love fishing; then when I found Jesus in 1977, Jesus built on that love when He
said “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of
men.” A fisherman’s objective is to catch as many
and as big a one as he can. Jesus does
not expect us to know how to fish for fish, but might there be some techniques
and understandings about fishing for fish that apply to fishing for men? Here’s how my fishing experience has helped
me in fishing for men.
Know the water, how deep, shallow, muddy, clear,
etc. (Where are you fishing for men?)
Know what kind of fish you are fishing for. (Educated, home-less, tradesman, young &
green, old & wise?)
Know the time of day (feeding time, water
temperature, how are they feeling….)
What kind of bait will they strike? (What might strike their interest?)
What kind of rod, reel or “line” is needed to
attract them; and to “reel” them in?
How to work them into the boat/shore once they
strike. (You don’t want to lose them
after they’re hooked!)
What challenges might a fisherman face when fishing for fish
(or men)? Snakes, rough water, impatient
partners, short of right bait (insufficient Bible knowledge), weather
conditions, not enough years of experience,…
It is challenging; especially
since Satan does not like fishers of men!
Through maturity and experience a fisherman learns the nature
of different varieties, and how to appeal to each. Men have different religious beliefs,
professions, philosophies, characteristics, attitudes, ages, educations,
cultural backgrounds, etc. And consider
the range of their socio-economic status, social circles and speech types. Each of these requires different baits and
presentations. And every man is facing his
own unique issues which determine the bait and presentations that will get his
I like this quote – “Teach
your people to love fishing rather than catching. If they love fishing, they will catch, but if
they love only catching, they will never really love fishing.” Where and how do we learn how to become
“fishers of Men”? Here’s the good news! Jesus did not say “You will become….”, He said
“I will make you…”. Then Jesus proceeded to spend three years
teaching those fishermen how to become “fishers of men.” If we love fishing, we will also love
learning in order to become proficient. Realistically,
fishing can become challenging and tiring; sometimes even the best can get
“skunked” and discouraged. So learn to
love fishing!
How many ways are there to fish? From a boat, from shore, nets, snorkeling,
spearing, snagging, etc. But fishing is
different from hunting; hunting is aggressive pursuit while fishing is done by patiently
drawing fish to you.
The classic advice for successful fishing – put lots of
lines in the water: many bobbers, or 4-5 trolling lines to increase chances of
a strike while remaining patient. Here’s
seven of trolling “lines” to use as “fishers of men”?
- Living a life of truth and righteousness and justice,
- Reaching out to help others in time of sickness, hardship or need,
- Demonstrating forgiveness, compassion, mercy and other acts of love,
- Answering people’s questions about God and His Word with honesty, boldness and courage,
- Proclaiming the message of the gospel, including the testimony of your personal faith,
- Standing boldly for principles and truth when such are attacked,
- Walking in faith and praying constantly as we go out sinking our nets in the water.
- Living a life of truth and righteousness and justice,
- Reaching out to help others in time of sickness, hardship or need,
- Demonstrating forgiveness, compassion, mercy and other acts of love,
- Answering people’s questions about God and His Word with honesty, boldness and courage,
- Proclaiming the message of the gospel, including the testimony of your personal faith,
- Standing boldly for principles and truth when such are attacked,
- Walking in faith and praying constantly as we go out sinking our nets in the water.
Solomon gave us wise advice in Prov.11:30 – “…and he who wins souls is wise.”
to ponder or RSVP
Which is more fun and rewarding…fishing for fish? or Fishing
for men?
How successful will we be if we keep using the same
bait (presentation) in all situations?
And after a fishing trip, are you ready to clean the
catch? A.K.A. “discipling”
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…”
Matt. 28:19
Yosef a.k.a. Joe Brusherd March 31, 2020
Author: “Hebraic
Insights – Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith”
“Biblical Marriage (by Yosef)” Weekly “Hebraic Musings”
“Biblical Marriage (by Yosef)” Weekly “Hebraic Musings”
* Inspired & excerpted from “Mysteries of the Bush” Ch.10 by Dr.
Paige Patterson, past pres., SW Theological Seminary.
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