Monday, June 22, 2020

Musing - Is “BLACK LIVES MATTER” the New ‘Religious Cult’?

Hebraic Musing - Is “BLACK LIVES MATTER” the New ‘Religious Cult’?
I received a well written and researched article from a Christian friend entitled “BLACK LIVES MATTER – a NEW RELIGIOUS CULT”  and he commented “Cuts to the heart of the matter.”  Let me preface this with my opinion – Black lives matter is clearly a true statement, however the movement using that title has been hi-jacked with motivations, implications and financing that are very concerning. 
Here are those paragraphs from the article that deal with the creed or beliefs of the BLM as a Religion.  Next week let’s look paragraphs dealing with How Tyrannical, Manipulative and Destructive is the BLM Religion” and then we’ll look at How are Churches and Christians to Respond to BLM.”   Following are the “Religious” paragraphs, modified only for spell-checking, minor format changes and underscoring:
Scriptural support:  “I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the Gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from Heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.” Galatians 1:6-10
A False Religion - We are involved in a battle for hearts, minds and souls.  This social justice revolution is changing the focus and content of the Gospel message.  It is offering another gospel, a false gospel and a false mission, plainly derived from Liberation theology (which is nothing more than Marxism wrapped up in religious terminology), Black theology (which is also Marxism, with racism added in), along with Animism (which depersonalizes evil and sees evil in things and systems, rather than personal responsibility).  None of this is Biblical Theology. Race politics is not Biblical.  The problem is not skin, it is sin. It is not race, but grace that is the solution.
Victimization, Resentment, Riot and Revolution - Yet, Black Lives Matter teaches Cultural Marxism’s Critical Race Theory, which denies personal responsibility and teaches that some races are good and others evil.  They teach a false gospel of victimization, resentment, riot and revolution.  Black Lives Matter is a new religious cult, supported by many in the Main Stream Media and many politicians, who see them as a useful tool to bring about the New World Order of Globalization.
Victimization Degrades and Destroys Those Who Accept It - Black Americans such as Dr. Ben Carson, Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell have warned that the Cultural Marxism Critical Race Theory narrative of victimhood is destructive to those who believe it. It becomes an insidious snare that steals hope and replaces it with hopelessness.  It takes away vision and replaces it with victimhood.  It discourages repentance and incites resentment.  It degrades a person’s psychology and gives them a sense of helplessness, instead of hope and healing.  It leads to tragedy, rather than triumph.  It takes away the will of those who would break out of their drug addiction, or alcohol habit, providing those who see themselves as victims with excuses not to repent and reform, but to rather riot and resent.
God Resists the Proud but He Gives Grace to the Humble - Our Lord Jesus Christ was merciful to the repentant sinner, but condemned the self-righteous hypocrites.  The worst thing you can possibly do to anyone is to give them a sense of victimhood, to take away their sense of personal responsibility and get them to play the blame game where nothing is their fault, but always the fault of someone else.  The false gospel of victimization cripples the heart, mind and soul of those who accept and believe it.  One of the greatest truths any one of us can learn is that we are our own worst enemy.  Blaming others will not help us improve our life. The issue is not race; it is grace.
Kneel and Mouth their Mantra - The radical social justice agenda of Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a direct challenge to the Christian Church.  In the name of Black Lives Matter a new religious cult is being mobilized.  It is based on a blatantly false narrative.  It requires all to repent and kneel down before it and chant, mantra-like: “Black Lives Matter,” much like the Roman Empire required all its citizens and subjects to declare: “Caesar is Lord!” and burn incense before an image of their emperor/god.  They require confessions to their activists.  They threaten Excommunication by shaming and shunning those who fail to comply with their demands.
Works Based Salvation through Revolution - Black Lives Matter offers a works-based salvation.  Although there is no atonement, blood is shed, windows are smashed, shops looted, monuments defaced and desecrated, defiled, or preferably destroyed and removed altogether. In place of Christ, they offer BLM martyrs and BLM saints.  BLM is organizing public rituals, where whites on their knees, wash the feet of BLM activists.  They are then expected to join in the BLM revolutionary agenda in perpetual repentance for perpetual revolution.  White/male/straight privilege is Original Sin to them.  Their law is “political correctness.”  Their Sacraments: protests, riots, looting & arson.  They zealously seek converts whom they call allies, who need to help evangelize by “raising awareness.”
We are to Bow to God Alone - Black Lives Matter are demanding that whites kneel and apologize to them for being white and declare: “Black Lives Matter!”  However, in Proverbs 25:26, we read: “A righteous man falling down before the wicked is as a troubled fountain and a corrupt spring.”  It is before Jesus Christ that every knee must bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
Confusion, Compromise and Cowardice - Truth matters.  We need to expose the Marxist deception operation and the communist revolutionary tactics.  All too many congregations have been cowered.  Many pastors have panicked. All too many churches are compromising.  At the very moment that Christians need to stand up for Jesus and fight the good fight of Faith.  We are seeing all too many Christian “conscientious objectors” and deserters going on AWOL, fleeing from the fight.  Or even worse, joining the enemies of God, giving in to intimidation and mob rule, allowing Marxist revolutionaries to use and abuse the church.
(First of three parts. Next is the tyranny, manipulation and destruction; then how to respond.)
My short response, “Wake up America!  We are at war!” 
Points to ponder   or   RSVP
Thank you for reading, reviewing and/or pondering this topic?
Are we in a religious war?   Which war is worse?
How many churches, or Christians, have stopped fighting or are asleep?
I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ.” Gal.1:6
Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd                                     June 23, 2020
Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith” 
“Biblical Marriage (by Yosef)”   Weekly “Hebraic Musings
Credits:  Dr. Peter Hammond   Frontline Fellowship, P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725, Cape Town South Africa
Note – The entire 6 page article is available on email request.

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