Musing – Is the Godlessness We See
Today Something New?
These are the opening paragraphs from a sermon
delivered years ago. I was struck by the
fact that the opening paragraphs seemed applicable to today as we are
confronted by an unaccustomed level of godlessness? Here’s what Charles Spurgeon preached in 1855!
(I used bold font to highlight key points.)
"Howbeit when he, the spirit of truth, is
come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but
whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to
come." — John 16:13 KJV
GENERATION hath gradually, and almost imperceptibly, become to a great extent a
godless generation. One of the
diseases of the present generation
of mankind, is their secret but deep-seated
godlessness, by which they have so far departed from the knowledge of
God. Science has discovered to us second causes; and hence, many have
too much forgotten the first Great Cause, the Author of all: they
have been able so far to pry into secrets, that the great axiom of the
existence of a God, has been too much neglected.
Even among professing
Christians, while there is a great
amount of religion, there is too
little godliness: there is much
external formalism, but too little
inward acknowledgment of God, too little living on God, living with God,
and relying upon God. Hence arises the sad fact that when you enter many of our places of
worship you will certainly hear the name of God mentioned; but except in the
benediction, you would scarcely know there was a Trinity. In many places dedicated to Jehovah the name
of Jesus is too often kept in the background; the Holy Spirit is almost entirely neglected; and very little is said
concerning his sacred influence.
Even religious men have
become to a large degree godless in this age. We sadly require more preaching regarding God;
more preaching of those things which look not so much at the creature to be
saved, as at God the Great One to be extolled. My firm conviction is, that in proportion as we have more regard for the sacred godhead, the
wondrous Trinity in Unity, shall we see a greater display of God's power, and a
more glorious manifestation of his might in our churches. May God send us a Christ-exalting,
Spirit-loving ministry — men who shall proclaim God the Holy Ghost in all his
offices and shall extol God the Saviour as the author and finisher of our
faith, not neglecting that Great God, the Father of his people, who, before all
worlds, elected us in Christ his Son, justified us through his righteousness,
and will inevitably preserve us and gather us together in one, in the
consummation of all things at the last great day. …
The disciples had been instructed by Christ concerning
certain elementary doctrines but Jesus
did not teach his disciples more than what we should call the A B C of religion.
He gives his reasons for this in the
12th verse: "I have yet many things
to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now." His disciples were not possessors of the
Spirit. They had the Spirit so far as
the work of conversion was concerned, but not as to the matters of bright
illumination, profound instruction, prophecy, and inspiration. He says, "I am now about to depart, and when I go from you I will send the Comforter unto you. Ye cannot bear these things now howbeit, when
he, the Spirit of truth is come, he will
guide you into all truth." The
same promise that he made to his apostles, stands good to all his children; and
in reviewing it, we shall take it as our portion and heritage, and shall not
consider ourselves intruders upon the manor of the apostles, or upon their
exclusive rights and prerogatives; for we conceive that Jesus says even to us,
"When he, the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth."
I sometimes wish I had heard Charles Spurgeon (& George
Whitefield) in person.
to ponder
Are we faced again with “Deep-seated godlessness”?
Have we been taught, or trained ourselves, to listen for guidance from
the Spirit?
What truths and comforts might be available that we are missing?
Has “Science” caused us to have “forgotten the “first Great Cause”?
♫ Spirit of the living God, Fall afresh on me. Melt
me, mold me, fill me, use me.… Fall afresh on me. ♫
Yosef a.k.a.
Joe Brusherd January
26, 2021
Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages
exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith”
“Biblical Marriage (by Yosef)” Weekly “Hebraic Musings”
– From “The Holy Ghost — The Great Teacher”
Sermon (No. 50) Delivered on Sabbath Morning,
November 18, 1855, by the Rev.
C.H. Spurgeon At New Park Street Chapel, Southwark.
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