Hebraic Musing – Why Are Christians the “Happiest People on Earth”?
In 1966
I attended sales training with Combined Insurance Company, founded by W.
Clement Stone, known for promoting the “Positive Mental Attitude”. The training class had a song drilled into us
that is still in me to this day. ♫ Happiness, Happiness.
The greatest gift that I possess. I thank the Lord that I’ve been blessed…with
more than my share of Haaaapiness!”♫
In 1977
I accepted the Lord Jesus as my Lord and Savior. My pastor’s wife, Arliss Freeman, loved to
sing ♫ Smile awhile and give your face a rest. Raise
your hand to the one you love the best, Then shake hands with those nearby, And
greet them with a smile! ♫
is a classic book titled “Happiest
People on Earth” about a businessman, Demos Shakarian. God gave him a
vision of millions of men all over the world who had blank looks on their
faces. He then was taken on a trip
around the world and he saw that those same men had found the secret to
becoming the "Happiest People
on Earth". With God's leading,
Demos started the "Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship
International" that grew to over 8000 Chapters in 143 countries and is still
leading Men to Jesus to this day.
word “Happy” is also
translated Blessed, Fortunate &
Cheerful. In Hebrew, avr
(Aleph, Shin, Resh) means “Strength Peace Highest.” What does
the Bible tell us about “Smiling”
and being “Happy”?
may be the verse that inspired Demos Shakarian. “Happy are the
people who are in such a state; Happy
are the people whose God is the LORD!“ Psalm 144:15 NKJV
Queen of Sheba saw something in Solomon’s court. “How happy your men must be! How happy your officials, who
continually stand before you and hear your wisdom!” 1 Kings 10:8 NIV
Himself reminded Job - “Behold, happy is the man whom God
corrects;…” Job 5:17 NKJV
Psalmist recognized the happiness
of raising the children of one's youth.
“Happy is the man
who has his quiver full of them;” Psalm 127:5 NKJV Having raised 6 children, I can relate!
who do we look to for hope? “Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his
help, Whose hope is in the LORD his God,” Psalm 146:5 NKJV
smile. “A happy heart makes
the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.” Prov. 15:13 NIV
when Paul had the opportunity to testify to King Agrippa, here is the start of
his message – “I think myself happy, King Agrippa, because
today I shall answer for myself before you concerning all the things of which I
am accused by the Jews.” Acts 26:2 NKJV
when ministering a prayer of faith be ready to sing. “Is any
one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise.” James 5:13 NIV
Now we
remember why we are the “Happiest People
on Earth”!
have the great spiritual reality of knowing that God has created us and wired
his universe around us.
know we have the grace of God and the unconditional love of God with new
mercies every morning.
love and are loved by our neighbors, our community and Brothers and Sisters in
to ponder
Are all
Christians known for their smiles and
What face,
attitude and personality works best for effective evangelism?
Are we happy when God corrects us? If not, why not?
Are you ready
to tell somebody why you are so happy?
Who put that smile on your
How did He do it?
♫ Smile a while and give your face a rest. ♫
Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith”
“Biblical Marriage (by Yosef)” Weekly “Hebraic Musings” http://insightsbyyosef.blogspot.com/
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