Hebraic Musing –Why are Marriages and Our Society Both Crumbling?
I have recently
heard young people say, more than once – “Why get married?” While I was shocked to hear it, why would we
be surprised considering the influence of today’s media? Our world’s anti-Judeo/Christian viewpoints
prevail. There are broken homes, a lack of instruction in morality and
confusion over the role of sex.
was the basis for OT culture. The
patriarchs and those who followed them live by Godly principles based on
marriages and families. This was all
part of God’s original plan in Genesis Chapter 2:24 “Therefore a man
shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall
become one flesh.” “Therefore” refers to what Adam said in verse
23 “This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called
Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.” BTW, in the NT Jesus’s first miracle was at a
Today’s society has moved to a contractual
marriage, rather than the convent marriage that God planned for us.
What’s the difference? Contracts
are temporary, have a time limit and are based on terms to be met by each of
the parties. In contrast, a Covenant
is intended to be permanent, “until death do us part”, with no conditions! BTW,
the word “Covenant” appears over 300 times in our Bible! The beginning of no-fault divorce has opened
the floodgates for divorce in our culture, effectively making marriage contractual
instead of covenantal.
After WWII there
were a rash of divorces when men came home and marriages fell apart. Remember the “Dear John letters”? One of my earliest memories was of a close
relative divorcing his wife after the war; and the family was surprised he did
not move to Los Angeles, the haven for divorcees back then (late 40”s/early’50’s).
What are the
problems and/or results of crumbling marriages?
· God’s plan was for
to be raised by two loving parents (“go forth and multiply”) with
one parent to nurture and the other providing support & leadership? “And you, fathers, do not provoke your
children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.”
Eph.6:4 NKJV Is that happening? What happens to children after multiple
generations of broken families, and missing fathers?
· God scolded them/us in Malachi, last
OT book - “Another thing
you do: You flood the LORD's altar with tears. You weep and wail because he
no longer pays attention to your offerings or accepts them with pleasure
from your hands. You ask, “Why?” It is
because the LORD is acting as the witness between you and the wife of your
youth, because you have broken faith with her, though she is your partner, the
wife of your marriage covenant.” Malachi 2:13-14 NIV
· God considers
to be an agreement between a husband and a wife as well as a covenant between
the couple and Him. The wedding vows
were also vows to the Lord, or should have been!
I have authored a
number of books but my favorite, the one I consider to be most important, is “Biblical
Marriage – His plan for Courtship, Engagement, Wedding and Marriage.” It is available at Amazon (search “Biblical
Marriage Yosef”). There is so much
more to say and ponder on this topic.
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself
up for her” Eph.5:25 NIV
“Wives, in the same
way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the
word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives” 1 Peter 3:1 BTW, that is how I came to Christ!
to Ponder
impact are “broken homes” having on the younger generations?
What percentage of dysfunctional people are from “broken homes”?
children’s TV, media, Hollywood, etc. support Biblical Marriage?
Too many examples to list of programs, etc. with ungodly content!
you have had a divorce in your past, please remember that
God is more concerned about your future
than your past.
We are the “Bride
of Christ”! Hallelujah!
Yosef a.k.a. Joe Brusherd
12, 2022
Author: “Hebraic Insights –
Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith”
“Biblical Marriage (by Yosef)” Weekly
“Hebraic Musings” at InsightsByYosef.blogspot.com
Note – Inspired & excerpted from “Marriage in 2022”
by Johanna Hocker & The Epoch Times” 3/30/22:
in 2022 by Johanna Hocker & The Epoch Times” March
30, 2022
The marriage rate
in the United States is 6.1 per 1,000 - the lowest ever. Marriage is one of the
worst prospects imaginable for men. Society has moved from a convent marriage
to a contractual marriage. It is the worst legal contractual liability a man can
enter into. A contractual marriage is based on mutual support and insurance and
assurance that this support will continue even if the marriage itself
dissolves. This began with no-fault divorce, that opened the flood-gates for
divorce in our culture.
Women are
demanding more; they claim that 80% of men are unattractive. A man must also be
economically attractive. Women want a 6 - 6 - 6, which means he is 6 feet tall,
has a 6 figure income and sports a 6 pack.
70% of divorces
are initiated by women. Educated women have a 90% divorce rate. Women are now
60% of all college students. These college women are even pickier with higher
standards that one might say makes a slave of the sucker who might marry her.
Statistics show
that people who are married tend to live longer, are healthier, have lower
stress levels, and are less prone to suffer from depression, but there is
little to no incentive to marry, which is seen as a no-win situation.
For those who are
truly committed to each other, marriage still works and is the best and only
way to raise healthy children.
More stats from Google search:
Also, 70 years ago
a large majority of U.S. households, approximately 80 percent, were made up of
married couples. In 2020, the proportion of households consisting of married
couples fell to 49 percent.
Some of the major
factors behind the long-term decline in the marriage rate have been female
education and labor force participation, women’s economic independence and
gender equality. America is also experiencing growing numbers of women and men
living alone as well as increasing unmarried cohabitation. In addition to the
15 percent of U.S. adults living alone, no less than one-quarter of those aged
25 to 34 years are living with an unmarried partner.
American attitudes
about childbearing and marriage have also changed markedly. For example,
whereas in 2006 about half of U.S. adults said it was very important for
couples having children together to legally marry, by 2020 that proportion had
fallen to 29 percent. Today, the proportion of U.S. births to unmarried mothers
is about 40 percent, double the percentage in 1980.
Marriage” book cover
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