Hebraic Musing – How to be a Witness to Muslims
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A speaker on a
Christian radio program urged Christians to evangelize Muslims, indicating that
their method of conquering a country is to patiently infiltrate, seeming to
blend in with the culture, until they are the majority and take over the
country. He estimated that the US is only 30 years away from becoming a
Muslim nation.
Just for
clarification, both Christians and Muslims believe in and put their faith in a
god. However, the Muslims have a much
different understanding of their god on rather significantly critical issues: *
Jesus is not the Son of God.
Jesus was not crucified, therefore there is no
atonement of sin!
If one does not believe in the Crucifixion,
there is no need to believe in the Resurrection.
Sin does not grieve Allah.
Man is created by Allah and is sinless, not created
in God’s image and sinful by nature
Reliance on the Qur’an, a later revelation they
believe supersedes and corrects errors in the Bible.
Muhammad (570-632 AD) is their authority - last
in their line of prophets and final authority.
Last Days - All Muslims go to heaven, after purging
of their sins. All infidels are destined for hell.
To be clear, Allah is NOT the triune God of the
Christians; we do not worship the same god.
Christians are content in their little bubble of likeminded friends, they
typically have limited contact with non-Christians. While this might be comfortable,
it is not Biblical. We are to be a light in the darkness, not hiding our
light (faith) under a basket as it says in the Bible. We are to love
people, but we are to hate evil. We are to take authority over
evil. This does not mean that we should pray to God to take away the
evil. Jesus instructs us to take authority and deal with evil ourselves:
the 72 returned from their ministry trip, they said “Lord, even the demons
are subject to us in Your name.” Luke 10:17 NKJV Yes, we are instructed to address Satan
directly, in Jesus’ name.
He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority
over all demons, and to cure diseases. He sent them to preach the kingdom
of God and to heal the sick.” Luke
when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over
unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and
all kinds of disease.” Matthew 10:1.
Jesus has given us authority and He expects us to use it
and not tolerate evil. So how can one discuss this with a Muslim? While
there are obviously many ways, here is a simple approach: **
You – Are you
at peace with Allah? Response – I am
at peace with Allah. Y – Is Allah
holy? R – Yes, Allah
is holy. Y – Is Allah
just? R – Of course,
Allah is just. Y – What was
the holy and just payment Allah made to allow you, an unholy and unjust person,
to enter into his presence?
- ??? Y – What was it
you could possibly do to satisfy his holiness?
And to bring you into peace with God himself. R - ??? You – That is
probably the biggest differences between our faiths. I believe that God sent His perfectly holy
and just Son in person to be crucified to pay for my sins. I have experienced God’s love since my
unrighteousness has been paid for by God Himself. R – (Holy Spirit will guide further dialog.)
This logic escapes some
Muslim adherents to Islam. Men who are honest with themselves will look
into their own hearts and see that evil exists. The Law exposes our
unrighteousness, our complete absence of holiness.
If you
want/need a more complete guide, I have a “Do’s & Don’ts” draft available
on request.
Points to ponder
our eyes to the evil in our midst, then take authority over it.
Meanwhile remember to love the people and bring them to Jesus.
We have the truth so why not
open a dialog?
After all, what does it really mean to love our neighbor?
“For I am
God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me...” Isaiah 46:8
Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith”
“Biblical Marriage - Yosef” Weekly email “Hebraic Musings” InsightsByYosef.blogspot.com
* From www.namb.net Comparison Chart — Islam and Christianity
** Inspired by Johanna Shager Hocker “Authority over Evil” February 27, 2018
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