Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Hebraic Musing - “None of these Diseases…”


Hebraic Musing - “None of these Diseases…”   (Reprint of Hebraic Insight 4/9/09)

God gave us the Torah or Pentateuch (gr.), as a teaching on how to live, and in it he said to us  "If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that Healeth thee.." Ex 15:26   KJV   The Hebrew nation, the Israelites and Jews, adopted many of the commands of God and were, and still are, blessed and healthy.  Why? *

·      Lepers were quarantined as we are instructed in Lev.13:46.  The unclean has to dwell outside the camp.  Yet the concept of quarantine to control spread of disease is relatively new.

·      Washing hands to avoid passing deadly germs was not practiced by our medical profession until the mid 1800’s.  God told the priests in Numbers 19 how to cleanse themselves from the unclean after handling dead beings.

·      God instituted ‘circumcision’ among His men.  While there are many Spiritual reasons being taught, it is a fact that in Israel, cervical cancer amongst the women is very rare.

·      Also, God required ‘circumcision’ to be performed on the 8th day.  It seems that God, our creator, also knew that was the day the clotting capability of a boy’s blood is at its best.  And science only discovered that recently.  But our omniscient God knew!

·      God has often been accused of not being with the times re sexual freedom.  Yet He had strict rules regarding virginity and selection of marriage partners.  He already knew the harm to befall us by exercising sexual freedom.  We are learning this in the rampant rise of STD’s and Aids in our increasingly promiscuous society; and we’ve lost the sanctity of the marriage bed.  And widespread reliance on abortion is the result!

·      How many times did God say “but do not eat the fat.”?   God already understood Arterial Sclerosis!

·      God’s prohibition to avoid pork and other of the world’s natural ‘scavengers’ as unclean has been documented as the prime cause for many of today’s ills – diabetes, cholesterol, obesity, heart disease, food poisoning, etc.  The Jews and followers of the Torah are known for their Kosher diet as-well-as for their health.  (This warrants a whole separate “Insight”) 

·      “God loves a cheerful giver.”  Did you know that a highly nervous, fearful person’s blood clots in about 1/5th the time of a cheerful, happy person?  Blood clots are the cause of coronary thrombosis, most common form of heart attack.

·      Causes of Psychosomatic illnesses are Anger, Stress, Hate, Grudges, etc.  These are things the Christian should not have to deal with.

Deuteronomy 28:1 says if you obey the Lord, you will be blessed; and verse 15 says if you disobey you will be cursed.  Maybe we have uncovered just a few examples of why we are blessed or cursed in very natural ways when we take or ignore God’s advice in our lifestyles.  As a loving parent He commanded us; so, whether commanded or advised, let’s pay attention to all of His Word.

Point to ponder

Everything a good Father tells His children to do is for their own good.

Isn’t the Creator the best author of an “Owner’s Manual” for our Bodies?
Why not consult His “Owner’s Manual”, the Bible?

Praise the LORD, O my soul ... and forget not all his benefits ... and heals all your diseases.”  Psalm 103:1-3

Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd           August 9, 2022   (Originally published April 9, 2009)
Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith” 
“Biblical Marriage”   Weekly “Hebraic Musings      InsightsByYosef.blogspot.com

*  Inspired by & excerpted from S.I.McMillen, M.D.’s book “NONE OF THESE DISEASES.”
Most of these topics above are described in great detail - Highly recommended to appreciate how our Loving Creator tries to keep His Hebrew children healthy – like a good parent should.  Since Jew and Gentile are one in Messiah, we Gentile Christians have access to all God’s parental advice in His Torah.

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