Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Musing – Is “Progressive Christianity” Dangerous for Your Soul?

 Hebraic Musing – Is “Progressive Christianity” Dangerous for Your Soul?

A dangerous lie is propagating in America’s churches today under the guise of “Progressive Christianity.”  Sadly, it is actually “Regressive”; it is the old liberal agenda with a more palatable title and twists.  Most importantly, it side-steps the divinely inspired, authoritative truths of God’s Word, the Bible, which is "the same yesterday and today and forever.”  Ten Commandments are given to us in the OT, so why does “it is written” appear over 60X in the NT?  Instead, “Progressives” want us to focus on Justice (economic, marital, racial), Sexual freedom, Truths, Outdated teachings, Current Culture, etc.   Let’s look more closely at each of these:

“Progressives” like to focus on “Justice” in social & racial issues; meanwhile neglecting God’s justice dealing with the “Personal Salvation” of sinful, wicked men; for which Christ died on the cross.  Thus, “Progressive” teachings tend to ignore the deity of Christ and the trinity?  Does God’s “Justice” include “marriage justice” (same-sex marriage), economic justice (socialism), and racial justice (CRT)?  But our Bible tells us to “Speak each man the truth to his neighbor; Give judgment in your gates for truth, justice, and peace;” Zech.8:16 NKJV 

Today’s culture and man’s innate nature craves sexual freedom, however Jesus’s teachings stress Biblical Marriage, abstinence until married, etc.  Why would 80% of abortions be for unwed mothers if God gave us sex in order to create lives to be raised in families?  No wonder human life is no longer sacred!  Today’s culture holds that anyone holding to the historic Biblical sexual ethic is a narrow minded, unsafe and harmful person. 

What is “truth”?  Today’s belief is that “What’s true for you is true for you”.  Gone is the concept of “absolute truth.”  People claim you are offensive if you hold any opinion other than theirs.  Meanwhile, Jesus insisted that we “Repent, and believe in the gospel.” Mark 1:15  BUT some pastors avoid offending the congregants in order to protect the financial source of their salary and building mortgage.  In seeking instant gratification, even Christians are being encouraged to “find yourself.”  BUT Jesus said “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” Matt.16:24 NIV  Who has the real “Truth”?

The emphasis in the early “liberal teachings” tried to save the morality by ditching doctrine.  They discarded “outdated teachings.”  You cannot maintain Biblical morality if you subvert Biblical authority.  Thus they joined the sexual revolution and reformulated teachings on divorce, birth control, premarital sex, adultery and homosexuality.  Did they resist the sexual revolution, or did they join it?  Since we are told to Love our neighbors” we need to understand why the Greek language required 6 unique words to describe “love”?

Moral integrity is becoming more important than the doctrinal integrity of God’s Word.  Do people, including some Christians think “I know better”?  Thus they are unwilling to abdicate their intellect?  As a result, we have a new personalized faith/religion “based on a god we have created in our image, based on our values.” 

What did Paul, Timothy and Jesus have to say about these days? 

·      Paul warned the Galatians that they were already “turning to a different gospel— which is really no gospel at all.” Gal.1:6-7 NIV  He saw they were believing in a different Jesus.  How did Satan lie to Eve?  His opening words were “Has God really said...?”   

·      Timothy saw this perversion coming 2000 years ago, in 48AD; just a little over 10 years after Christ died.  “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine.  Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.  They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.” 2 Timothy 4:3–4 NIV  

·      Jesus also knew this day would come so He challenged us.  “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Matt.7:13-14   Are you challenged to “Find it”!

Final thoughts:

·      In the days of Judges “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”  Anything changed?  

·      Progressive Christianity interprets the Bible through the lens of culture; Progressives avoid critiquing the culture through the lens of the Bible.  Which lens does our LORD want us, His children, to use?

·      Are you ready to speak out with Biblical doctrine on matters of Doctrine, Sex, Marriage, Sanctity of Life, Teachings, Truth, Justice, Repentance, etc.? 

Points to ponder

Is showing love to our neighbor as important as telling them the truth to keep them from HELL?

Are we supposed to imitate our culture, or are we to imitate Jesus?

Why are Progressive Christians trying to make the “narrow gate” wider?

If you love Me, keep My commandments.” John 14:15  What did He mean?

Shine, Jesus, shine. Fill this land with the Father's glory. Blaze, Spirit, blaze. Set our hearts on fire.

Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd                        September 20, 2022
Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith” 
“Biblical Marriage”     Weekly “Hebraic Musings      InsightsByYosef.blogspot.com

Note – Inspired & excerpted from “Progressive Christianity can lead you to HELL” (pdf from billygraham.org) by Franklin Graham, Alisa Childers, Albert Mohler, JR, Michael Brown and Erwin Lutzer

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