Monday, July 10, 2023

Musing – Have We Already Been Silenced?

 Hebraic Musing – Have We Already Been Silenced?

In his book, “We Will Not Be Silenced”, Erwin Lutzer, the 36-year pastor of Moody Church in Chicago, describes the multi-faceted challenges we Christians are facing.  Are like the proverbial frog in the frying pan who does not jump out as the heat is turned up.  How are we to survive the insidious, multi-faceted onslaught?  And to what extent “Have We Already Been Silenced?

The Left thinks America cannot be fixed; therefore, it must be destroyed; and the vestige of our Judeo-Christian heritage and Biblical teachings are in the way.  They think that “Cultural Marxism” is the answer.  So, what are the fixes the Left wants to do? 

Here are the headings and teaser samplings of points made in each of the ten chapters of the book:

1. How we got here.  Cultural Marxism; Destruction of traditional marriage; Destruction of the Nuclear family; Victimology; Women’s movement – (Margaret Sanger’s solution was birth control and Women in the workforce and their changed roles); Media control; Silent church.

2. Rewrite the past to control the Future.  Destroy/remove statues & other reminders; Pay Reparations; Rewrite history books.

3. Use Diversity to Divide and Destroy. Social Justice; Intersectionality; CRT; “Equality”; White Guilt.

4. Freedom of Speech for Me; but Not for Thee.  Arguments for & against Free Speech; Love your neighbor (which definition of “Love”?); Open Borders; Reinterpret the Constitution; Silence the Church.

5. Sell it as a Noble Clause.  How propaganda works; New Justice; Slogans; Collective demonization; Sexual revolution; “Equality”; Gaslighting.

6. Sexualize the Children.  Corrupted public schools; Children belong to the State; Culture goes WOKE; Change flag to Rainbow; Trafficking; Satanic transgendering.

7. Capitalism is the Disease; Socialism is the Cure.  Marx rules from the grave; Democratic Socialism; Covid, Bailouts & push for socialism; Claims that Bible teaches Socialism; Economics & Human nature; Greed & Corruption; Free Stuff; Promises of freeing us from poverty, racism; white supremacy; people are basically good!

8. Join with Radical Islam to destroy America.  9/11 impact; Unity of Mosque & State; Muslim Immigration; Deception of Political Correctness (vs. Common Sense); Response (or lack) of the Church.

9. Vilify! Vilify! Vilify!   Ridicule &/or Criticize; Public Shaming; Hitler’s “brownshirts” & ANTIFA; LGBTQ’s search for allies; Global Warming; coming soon to your church.

10. Wake Up! Strengthen What Remains.  Hear Jesus’ voice; Words from Jesus...” We must have the courage to both engage the culture and stand against it.” & “Christianity without courage is cultural atheism.”

The purpose of sounding the alarm is not to take America back.  The Church has neither the will nor the clout to reverse these issues!  Has the Silent Church stepped up to seize the moral high ground?  Y/N?

Points to Ponder

How well do we know and understand and recognize our enemy’s strategies?

What do we need to do if America is non-recoverable?
Like the church in Sardis - “Wake up! Strengthen what remains...” Rev.3:2 NIV

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 

Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd                                     July 11, 2023
Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith”
“Biblical Marriage (by Yosef)     Weekly “Hebraic Musings

Inspired by & recapped from “We Will Not Be Silenced” by Erwin Lutzer, cc 2020. (Amazon - $11.26)

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