Monday, September 18, 2023

Musing - What are the 613 Mitzvot…

 Hebraic Musing - What are the 613 Mitzvot…  (Hebraic Insight #16, April 2009, Updated)

…that our loving Father G-d gave us in the Torah?   Mitzvot (Commandments from the Torah) are at the heart of Chalachah (way of walking).  These are the unchangeable 613 Mitzvot that our loving G-d gave to us in the Torah.  The word "mitzvah" (plural: Mitzvot) means "commandment."

In its strictest sense, Mitzvot refers only to commandments instituted in the Torah; however, the word is commonly used in a more generic sense to include all of the laws, practices and customs of Chalachah, and is often used in an even more loose way to refer to any good deed. Because of this looser usage, sophisticated chalachic discussions need to be careful to make a distinction between Mitzvot "from the Torah" and Mitzvot "from the rabbis".

Some of the Mitzvot "from the Torah" are clear, for example – the 10 commandments and “you shall write words of Torah on the doorposts of your house”.  Others are more implicit, like reciting grace after meals.   And some can only be ascertained by deductive reasoning, like that a man shall not commit incest.   Some Mitzvot overlap, like, it is a positive commandment to rest on Shabbat and a negative commandment not to do work on Shabbat.

BTW, if 613 commandments in the Torah seems like a lot; there are 1050 commandments in the NT.  So much for OT being about ‘law’ and NT being about ‘grace’!  G-d does not change & has not changed!

Please note that we are not dealing with a salvation issue, but rather ‘how our Father G-d would like us to live, for our own benefit.  When G-d and/or our parents give us a command or ask us to do something, it is for our own good (Period).  He still wants us to listen and enjoy His Living Torah.  Listen to His advice and recognize that there are consequences to ignoring His advice.  All these curses shall come upon you ... Because you did not serve the LORD your God with joyfulness and gladness of heart, because of the abundance of all things....” Deut. 28:45&47 ESV

Which Mitzvot/Commandments apply today?   Directly?     Practically?   Symbolically? 
Note - There are certain types of Mitzvot that cannot be fulfilled today:

1. Involving the Temple – which was demolished in 70AD

2. Requiring Animal Sacrifices – which is outlawed and requires a temple and/or priesthood

3. Involving the roles of Levitical Priests and the Priesthood – lineage records were destroyed in the temple

4. The 66 “Cut-off” laws – which Yeshua came to fulfill with atonement

Let’s relate the 613 Mitzvot to the perspectives above.  If we study a listing or categorization of the 613 Mitzvot we can gain an understanding of which ones were fulfilled by Jesus and/or any circumstances such that they can no longer be obeyed.  And which ones are worthy of our paying more attention!  That categorized list is in the Addendum.   

Here is just a sample of relevant scripture references:
- “If you walk in my statutes and observe my commandments and do them, then I will give you...” Lev.26:3
- “And if you will walk in my ways, keeping my statutes and my commandments,
            as your father David walked, then I will lengthen your day
s.” 1 Kings3:14
- “And walk in all the way that I command you, that it may be well with you.” Jer.7:23b
- “If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love,
            just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love.
” John 15:10

Points to Ponder

How did we learn to obey when “Daddy said so”?

Do we want to know what our Lord wants us to do for our own good?

Where can we find these 613 Mitzvot?   A – In the Torah in your Bible. (or see Note)

Just do what Daddy says. 

Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd                                     September 19, 2023 
Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith”
“Biblical Marriage (by Yosef)     Weekly “Hebraic Musings   

Note – A complete categorized & referenced list of the 613 Mitzvot is also available on request;
             or –

Addendum - Categories of the 613 Mitzvot

Here is a categorization to help us better understand the nature of the 613 Mitzvot.   
(My thoughts re ‘applicability’ are added in black):      

Types of APPLICATIONS for the laws

a.       Temple                                    Not applicable, no temple – Are principles applicable(?)

b.      Moral Universal                      Applicable today - universal

c.       Universal but revised in NT    Applicable today – universal as revised

d.      Ancient                                   Let’s seek any applicability or lessons to learn

e.       Unclear                                    Let’s seek any applicability or lessons to learn

f.        Combination                           Let’s seek any applicability or lessons to learn

g.      No Application                                  

Mandatory Commandments – concerning:

h.      G-d     Dt.6:4 example Applicable today - universal

i.        Torah                                       Applicable today, except re Temple, priests or sacrifices

j.        Temple & Priests                    Cannot apply

k.      Sacrifices                                 Cannot apply (Except re ‘forgiveness to fellow man’ - Guilt or
                                                Trespass offerings “Asham” intentional [requiring Restitution +
                                                 20% to offended party – NOT A BLOOD Sacrifice—Raises
                                                question as to whether Christ’s blood atones for all our sins!?!?
                                                Interesting issue re role of ‘forgiveness’ so He can forgive us

l.        Ritual Purity                            Applicable in principle – Keep clean/HOLY!

m.    Donations to the Temple         Applicable in principle – re tithes & offerings

n.      The Sabbatical Year               Should we be keeping G-d’s calendar or Rome’s pagan calendar?
                                                (the church has been duped into some ‘detestable’ practices)

o.      Animals for consumption       Applicable as a health advisory – McMillen’s “None of these Diseases”

p.      Festivals                                  Applicable - represents His teaching times and prescribed times of
                                                special symbolic fellowship. (Church duped into detestable’ practices?)

q.      Community                             Applicable today - universal

r.        Idolatry                                   Applicable in principle – Keep clean/HOLY!

s.       War                                         Applicable today - universal  

t.        Social                                      Applicable today - universal

u.      Family                                     Applicable today - universal

v.      Judicial  -  flogging, etc.         Applicable in principle

w.    Slaves                                      Applicable in principle

x.      Torts                                        Applicable in principle

Prohibitions – regarding:

y.      Idolatry & related practices    Applicable in principle – Keep clean/HOLY!

z.       Resulting of Historical Events Applicable in principle (we all have ‘history’)- i.e., returning to Egypt

aa.   Blasphemy                              Applicable today – universal (Generally re use of G-d’s holy name

bb.  Temple  - H2 enter, making oil  Cannot apply  (But are there principles to consider)

cc.   Sacrifices                                 Cannot apply (Except re ‘forgiveness to fellow man’ SEE ABOVE)

dd.  Priests                                      Cannot apply (But are there principles to consider, especially
                                                since Peter called us a Holy Priesthood)

ee.   Dietary                                                Applicable health advisory – “None of these Diseases” by McMillen

ff.     Nazirites                                  Applicable in principle

gg.  Agriculture                              Applicable today – universal – a sabbatical rest for fields (Farmers
                                                today learned benefits of crop rotation the hard way!)

hh.  Loans, business, treatment of slaves Applicable today - universal

ii.      Justice                                     Applicable today - universal

jj.      Incest & forbidden relationships        Applicable today - universal

kk.  The monarchy – Kings           Applicable in principle (Do governmental leaders today
                                                understood the source of their authority?)

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