Hebraic Musing – Can Learning Biblical Hebrew be Fun?
all know what WWJD means. Yeshua studied
and knew Hebrew. Actually, you already
know more Hebrew than you realize!
Hallelujah Hallel = praise; Jah = short name for God
Adonai Lord
Messiah Christ (Greek) or “the Anointed One”
Jehovah God (the highest and most revered name
of God)
Elohim Names of God—a lesson of its own
Sabbath Seventh day of the week, commanded to rest
with Him
Abba Affectionate title for “father”, more
like “daddy”
Amein Amen
Shalom Peace (traditional Israeli greeting)
Here’s some frequently used words to help
your ear for Hebrew:
· Barukh Blessed, as in Barukh atah Adonai
· Melech King
· Eloheynu Elohim, Our God
· Olam Forever or everything
And now you understand “Barukh
Atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech Ha-Olam” which is the start of
many prayers in Hebrew. In English: “Blessed
are You, Lord, Our God, King of the Universe.”
Let’s work in reverse. Let’s learn just three
more words and see if you can recite a powerful prayer that set the Israelites
apart from the nations surrounding them; and it is traditionally in the mezuzah
on your doorpost!
Sh’ma or Shema Hear; actively listen, believe, and do
Y’srael Israel
Echad One; not only the number one, but unity of
most favorite prayer of the Jews is the Shema from Deuteronomy 6:4: Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD
is one. (NIV & NKJV). This is typically recited at least
three times a day. Identifying Jewish
children in orphanages after World War II was easy. They simply recited “Sh’ma Y’srael, Adonai Eloheynu, Adonai Echad.” The
children who remembered their mother’s prayers would cry. They were thus identified as Jewish. Now we can recite and appreciate the Shema
prayer in Hebrew.
are a few more words you have probably heard before:
Bar or Bat Son or
Mitzvah Deed, act of
devotion, covenant as in bar mitzvah (son
of covenant), mitzvot (plural).
Bethlehem House of Bread;
Beth, house; Lechem, bread;
birthplace of the Bread of Life.
Tzedakah Righteousness;
the name of the offering for the needy, or less fortunate.
Siddur Prayer book.
Talmidim Students; what you have just become.
Shelach Send, or send to you
Chaver Friend.
to Ponder
You are just beginning to uncover the treasures in Hebrew language!
Shelach, (Your friend,)
Yosef a.k.a.
Joe Brusherd February
20, 2024
Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages
exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith”
“Biblical Marriage (by Yosef)”
Weekly “Hebraic Musings”
A book of the first 100 Hebraic Insights is available from Amazon – Search “Hebraic Insights Yosef”
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