Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Musing – Are some Christians ‘professionals’ and the rest ‘amateurs’?

Hebraic Musing – Are some Christians ‘professionals’ and the rest ‘amateurs’?
It is an all too common feeling that if a person really wants to be serious about serving God, then he/she needs to become a pastor or a missionary or work in a Christian ministry.  And to be serious one must therefore go to a seminary or Bible college to learn God’s Word.  The rest of us have to be content to adjust our lifestyle to convenient truths in Scripture so we can be comfortable with our level of commitment. Do Christian ‘Professionals’ have different roles than Christian ‘Amateurs’?
Many Christians wrestle with the time pressures and activities in their lives that limit, or eliminate, time to study and learn God’s Word.  They go to church; they get a weekly message from their pastor which includes at least a few bible verses; and they feel it is the church’s job to provide good youth and children’s ministry programs and group leaders.  Isn’t that abdication of responsibility? 
This sounds similar to something a friend encountered. She shared a Biblical nugget in a group and one of the ladies in the group said “Thank you for sharing that. Since you studied, learned and that, then I don’t have to read the Bible myself.”  What’s wrong with that all too common picture?
When God gave us the 10 Commandments (Mitzvot -- good deeds), did He expect only ‘professionals’ to know, live and deliver His Word?  Was He only talking to ‘professionals’ when He spoke His Words in Deuteronomy 6:7?  Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” NIV   And while we call them the “Ten Commandments”, the correct translation from Hebrew d’barim would be “Spoken Words” (from our Loving Heavenly Father).
Here is how my friend, Buddy Hansen, explained this issue:
Intended Beliefs (by Satan):
● The Christian “pros” have different roles than Christian “amateurs.”
● The “amateurs” are held to a lesser standard of obedience than the “pros.”
So, the Unintended Beliefs (by us):
● We should delegate the responsibility of civil government to elected officials (pros) so they can hopefully legislate we amateurs out of our cultural difficulties.
● We live like conservatives  living according to traditional values, instead of Christians who (should!) live according to the revealed ethics of our triune God. 
● There are two kinds of Christians: Those who are really serious about the faith become full-time Christians, and the rest of us do the best we can at being part-time Christians who live law-abiding, moralistic lifestyles.
This ‘musing’ would not meet favor with Bible College administrators, but hopefully will challenge us ‘amateurs’ to step up to our God-given responsibilities.
Point to ponder
Does being an ‘amateur’ Christian excuse us from any responsibilities?

Chag Pesach Samach

Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd                                                                   April 15, 2014

Author of two books “Hebraic Insights” and  “Biblical Marriage”
And weekly “Hebraic Musingse-mails
Yosef1@cox.net  or  www.InsightsByYosef.com

 (1) Inspired by Buddy Hanson’s TGIM ministry, April 7, 2014

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