Musing – Can there be a positive view of Denominationalism?
Musing – Can there be a positive view of Denominationalism?
Paul tells us in 1
Tim 2:8 “I want men everywhere to lift up
holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.” NIV
A few weeks ago we pointed out that questioning and discussing are healthy
ways to learn from someone who has a different view. Assuming they meet key criteria
as ‘Christians’, each denomination has different practices, focuses, traditions
and methodologies for worshiping Jesus as Lord. What would the Church of Jesus
Christ look like if all members recognized and honored the positive attributes
of neighboring churches as their unique way to worship and honor God.
I recently
conducted a service with elderly folks and had them share their denominational
heritage. Then we processed the positive attributes, character and nature of each
of their denominations. When I told my son Joseph that I planned to do this, he
said “Dad, you’re just exploring the
various attributes, characters and nature of Almighty God, who is many faceted.”
Is it okay if the Church of Jesus Christ is also many faceted? Are His people
many faceted? My friend, John R., claims
“Very few people do an extensive study of
‘the names of God’ as revealed in the scriptures. They do not understand that
in part, the Bible is the ‘resume of God,’ and that He offers His resume as a
reason to ‘be hired as your God, and to displace whatever God is now in charge’."
Consider the positive, Christ-like, attributes of
each these denominations (my understanding of each):
Presbyterian and Anglican – Heavy focus on social justice
and helping the poor and disenfranchised.
Methodist – Focus on social justice and missions in Asia; founded
by John Wesley, a great evangelist.
Roman Catholic – Held Christianity together through the
early years, the middle ages and the years of illiteracy. They established, past & present, a moral
culture in the Western world.
Lutheran – Provided an appreciation of the role of ‘Faith’;
and about that time the printing press was invented, allowing people to read
and understand the Word of God more deeply and personally.
Church of Christ – Known for not using musical instruments;
they use their God-given voices to praise Him, and do it well without
electronic supplement. Maybe practicing for singing in heaven!?!?
Baptist – Known for the divisions but each was a concerted
effort to know and obey the Word of God.
Assembly of God – Giving a lot of recognition to determining
the ever-present role of the Holy Spirit.
Charismatic & Faith – Recognizing and expectantly claiming
the blessings God promised His people.
Non-denominational – Searching for freedom to
worship without the hindrances of religiosity.
These are my views
based solely on my understanding. I’m seeking
ways to emphasize and preach unity rather than division. “Behold,
how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” Ps 133:1
I do have my
preferences and am more than willing to discuss the varying traditions,
methods, customs, practices and non-salvific beliefs with fellow
Christians. With non-Christians or
none-spiritual persons, I would prefer to support the attributes of the
denomination of their preference until they know Jesus Christ personally. Then
we can sort out the best avenue for them to worship Him and seek His truths.
Points to Ponder
What do weak Christians, non-Christians and un-churched
if and when they over-hear Christians criticizing one another’s denominations?
What would happen if they heard Christians
supporting denominations
other than their own in a Spirit of
“Until we all attain to the unity of the faith…” Eph.4:13 April 22, 2014
Yosef a.k.a. Joe Brusherd
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