Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Musing – Do Americans see morality as a matter of cultural consensus?

Hebraic Musing – Do Americans see morality as a matter of cultural consensus?
I started getting concerned for our country’s perspective on morality in the early 80’s while traveling around the country.  The popular newspaper available in hotels and public areas was the new “USA Today”.  It provided easy to read summary news; HOWEVER I was always bothered by a front page graphic displaying answers to controversial morality survey questions.  Whenever I saw that section I would say to myself “They are making morality a popularity issue, ignoring the Biblical basis.”  Justification of homosexuality and co-habitation were issues that stick in my mind as frequently surveyed, and therefore I could see today’s events unfolding.  (While drafting this musing, an e-mail came in from Barna Group with this headline “Majority of Americans Now Believe in Cohabitation”.)
How are morality decisions made nowadays?  According to a study recently published by Barna Group*  57% of American adults feel “knowing what is right or wrong is a matter of personal experience”.   As if that isn’t concerning enough, the most disconcerting statistic from the study was the answer from Millennials to the statement “Whatever is right for your life or works best for you is the only truth you can know”, and 74% of the Millennials agreed; a large and growing segment of our population!
Looking more deeply, the Barna article claims “Americans pledge allegiance to the ‘Morality of self-fulfillment’.”   The statement on the morality of Self-Fulfillment was supported by 60% to 90% agreement on statements saying (paraphrased):
 - Find yourself in yourself;
 - Don’t criticize someone else’s life choices;
 - Find fulfillment by pursuing the things you desire the most;
 - Goal of life is enjoyment;
 - Believe what you want as long as it does not affect society;
 - Sexual expression between consenting adults is okay.
So the influence of millennials and non-Christians explains the high percentages; BUT unfortunately the “Practicing Christians” percentages were surprisingly close to the overall percentages!  The poll shows “Practicing Christians” agreement percentages in the 60’s and 70’s percent range! The exception was the lower 40% agreement on the ‘sex between consenting adults’ statement.   
My conclusion, we have lost our moral compass not only with the younger generation but also within the Christian churches.   What’s your conclusion?
Points and Scripture to ponder

Has Christian teaching been too focused on personal salvation
instead of corporate care for the Kingdom of God?
And on the Lordship of Jesus Christ in our lives? 
And on knowing what our Bible says?

What should we, or can we, be doing about the erosion of Judeo-Christian morality?

 “They close up their callous hearts, and their mouths speak with arrogance.” Ps. 17:10
“So I gave them over to their stubborn heart to follow their own devices.  "If my people would but listen to me, if Israel would follow my ways, how quickly would I subdue their enemies…”  Ps. 81:12-14
Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd                                   July 5, 2016
Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith” 
“Biblical Marriage” “Musings - A Victorious Life”  “Musings - The Torah and New Testament”
Weekly “Hebraic Musings      www.InsightsByYosef.com
* Barna Group – “The End of Absolutes:  America’s New Moral Code  May 25, 2016
   The article is available on request, if interested.

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