Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Musing – Do People Realize They Are Not God?

Hebraic Musing – Do People Realize They Are Not God?
Rulers of ancient nations often considered themselves to be gods, Pharaohs and Caesars being the classic examples.  But today there are leaders and some of us individuals who act as if they are their own gods.  Like many ancient leaders they flaunt their influence, believing matters of life and death, wealth and poverty, freedom and slavery are in the power of their hands.  How many people today look upon themselves as equal to or just below God, and way above all other men?  And they don’t even consider God’s perspective?
In sharp contrast, our patriarch David, who led the mighty army of Israel to countless victories and was the king of a great nation, recognized he was not God and shared his perspectives in Psalm 131 “My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me.  O Israel, put your hope in the Lord both now and forevermore.” NIV
I don’t know what you see, but I see more and more people, including leaders, who are acting like they are their own god.  What do I mean?  Do we see people and leaders who usurp God’s role, wanting to be like God by…
·      Judging – Imposing non-Torah laws on others.  Too many examples to list!
·      Taking – Socialistic taking from haves to give to have nots.  Bible tell us to “give”, not “take”.
·      Killing – Abortion, Jihad, Euthanasia come to mind as the taking of lives, which is God’s prerogative.
·      Idol Worship -- Blatantly misguided false religions do exist, but we have also decided to worship people and physical things to which we give more time, money and attention than we do to God. (Hollywood & Media!)
·      Selfishness – Seems that if it feels good it must be okay!  Everyone is listening to their favorite radio station – WIIFM?  “What’s In It For Me” is the driving force.  Shouldn’t we be asking “What’s in it for the Kingdom of God”?
·      Escapism – How do we escape from God’s gift of life?  Drugs, alcohol, video games, entertainment medias.  Do we really live life and appreciate His gift of life?
Read Psalm 131 again to appreciate how David as a world leader kept his relationship and dependency perspective on God.   Can we too compare ourselves to a nursing baby, helpless and hungry?  Can we recognize that like David, we are vulnerable and lacking without divine assistance from God?  David never thought that he was God; in fact, he knew that he was nothing without God.  All that he had and all that he had become were the results of God’s kindness.
To quote Rabbi Eckstein*  A mother wants nothing more than to nourish her hungry child.  So, too, God wants us to be happy and satisfied.  But we can only receive sustenance from God as we remain close to Him.   Listen to King David and remember that we are all God’s children – He nourishes us, He sustains us.  He alone is the source of all blessings.”
Points to ponder
What was Lucifer’s downfall?  
He wanted to compete with God and to be like God!
Do we?
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding  Proverbs 3:5
Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd                          January 29, 2019  
Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith” 
“Biblical Marriage (by Yosef)”   Weekly “Hebraic Musings
*   Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein’s “Source of All Blessings” Dec. 31, 2018

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