Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Musing – Where are We in the Cycle of Civilizations?

Hebraic Musing – Where are We in the Cycle of Civilizations?

Cultures and Civilization go through a cycle.  They typically rise and fall in about a 200 year cycle and history provides continuous examples.  Sociologists describe eight stages of the rise and fall of the world’s great civilizations.*  Where in the cycle are we?  (America? The Church? Christianity? You/we/us?) 
1.   From bondage to spiritual growth – Great civilizations are formed in the crucible.  Jews were in bondage in Egypt.  Christian faith and the Church came out of years of persecution.  Western Christianity emerged from conflicts during the decline of the Roman Empire.  American culture was formed by the injustices in colonial times.  Sufferings and injustices inspired spiritual growth by men seeking solutions.
2.   From spiritual growth to great courage – Anointed leaders emerge.  People summon courage and a willingness to sacrifice their lives, if necessary, in order to create a better and more just world.  With little or nothing to lose they were willing to live, work and die for something more important than themselves.
3.   From courage to liberty – As a result of the courageous fight, the foe is vanquished and liberty and greater justice emerges.  A civilization emerges rooted in its greatest ideals.  Many who led the battle are still alive and the battle leaves an inspiring legacy.  The liberty is esteemed; the ideals are accepted and respected.
4.  From liberty to abundance – Liberty and courage usher in prosperity from the virtues of sacrifice and hard work.  But then comes the first danger, abundance, which takes on a life of its own.  "Watch out! … a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." Luke 12:15   Struggles that engendered discipline and priorities move to the background; enjoyment of the fruit becomes the focus.
5.   From abundance to complacency – Satisfaction leads to complacency.  Things look fine; but foundations, infrastructures and virtue are crumbling and ignored.  They persecute those who raise alarms - “killjoys.”
6.   From complacency to apathy – People have lack of interest or passion for the things that once inspired, so there’s lack of attention to and a dismissal of disturbing trends.  Sacrifices of previous generations are forgotten; and they forget that they must work for and contribute to the common good.  Sacrificing for others becomes remote; more and more are willing to live on the carcass of previous sacrifices.  
7.   From apathy to dependence – Increasing numbers of people lack the virtues and zeal necessary to work and contribute; so since discipline and work seem “too hard,” dependence grows.  The culture tips in the direction of dependence (and any sufferings are deemed intolerable).  Civilization now insists that “others” must solve their woes; thus a growing demand for governmental, collective, socialistic solutions.
8.   From dependence back to bondage – As dependence increases, so does centralized power.  Dependent people become increasingly dysfunctional and desperate.  Seeking a savior, they look to strong central leadership; BUT centralized power corrupts and ushers in injustices.  Those in bondage know of no other solution.  Family and personal virtue, essential ingredients, are replaced by dark and despotic centralized control, hungry for more and more power. The people in bondage have lost the virtues to fight.
The civilization gradually ends.  Then what?  Typically, a more powerful nation or group enters by invasion or replacement and destroys what remains of the decadent civilization, replacing it with their own culture.  Then it’s back to the crucible and a new cycle.  Maybe?!?!
Has this happened before?   New Covenant started with Rome declining; “Holy” Roman Empire; colonial powers (Spanish, Portuguese, French, and the sun does set on the British Empire).  Remember Hitler, Napoleon and the USSR.  The OT tells of David’s Kingdom, then Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome.
We are living at the end of an era; painful because we see that something we love is dying.  Do we need a major disaster, world war, etc. to wake us up?
Points to ponder
Where in the cycle is America?  …the Church?  … Christianity?  …You personally?
Vote, but also remember Psalm 146:3-4   Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing.”
Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd                          January 15, 2019  
Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith” 
“Biblical Marriage (by Yosef)”   Weekly “Hebraic Musings
*    Excerpted from “The Eight Stages of the Rise and Fall of Civilizations” by Msgr. Charles Pope, Oct.12, 2016

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