Hebraic Musing – How
are Churches & Christians to respond to BLM?
Here is part
three of the final selections from the “BLACK
LIVES MATTER – a NEW RELIGIOUS CULT” article; dealing with “how to
respond.” In the last two weeks we
analyzed the “BLM Religion” and the “Tyrannical, Manipulative and Destructive impact of the
BLM Religion.” Now let’s look
at our responsibility going forward – How are
we to Respond to the BLM war against Churches and Christians.
Scriptural support: “For do I now persuade men, or
God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be
a bondservant of Christ.”
Galatians 1:9-10
A False Religion
(the real problem) – We are involved in a battle for hearts, minds
and souls. This social justice revolution is changing the focus and content of
the Gospel message. It is offering
another gospel, a false gospel and a false mission plainly derived from
Liberation theology (which is nothing more than Marxism wrapped up in religious
terminology), Black theology (which is also Marxism, with racism added in),
along with Animism (which depersonalizes evil and sees evil in things and
systems, rather than personal responsibility). None of this is Biblical
Theology. Race politics is not Biblical. The problem is not skin, it is
sin. It is not race, but grace that is the solution.
Stand Firm - Those who kneel
to God can stand before any man. We
are to fear God, not man. We are to
obey the Bible, not follow the mob. The
Bible teaches the total depravity of man. The holiness of God alone. There is only one way of Salvation. Scripture alone is our ultimate authority. Everything should be done to the glory of God
Wisdom from Proverbs in the Bible - The first chapter
of Proverbs warns us of the need for prudence, discernment and wisdom. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning
of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7
Do Not Join with Angry and Furious People - Proverbs warns us
not to cast in our lot with those whose “feet run to evil and they make
hast to shed blood.” Proverbs 1:16. “My son, if sinners entice
you, do not consent. If they say, ‘Come with us’… My son, do
not walk in the way with them, keep your foot from their path.”
Proverbs 1:10-15. The Bible warns us
about associating with an angry man and commands us not to go along with the
furious man, “…lest you learn his ways and set a snare for your soul.”
Proverbs 22:24-25.
Those Who Hate Knowledge and Reject God will
Destroy Themselves - “Because they hated
knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord, they would have none of
My counsel and despised My every rebuke. Therefore they shall eat the fruit
of their own way and be filled to the full with their own fancies.” Prov.
Lockdown Lunacy - The Lockdown
lunacy of allowing churches to be closed, side-lined and termed “non-essential,”
relegated to irrelevance and suffocated with time and money wasting,
unnecessary and unconstitutional, irrelevant regulations and restrictions, is
outrageous. How can so many churches tolerate instructions from any government,
in violation of the Bill of Rights and our freedom of worship, freedom of
conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of movement, freedom of speech and
free enterprise. How many churches
have accepted state restrictions, accepting no public worship services, or no
singing and no fellowship allowed after the services!
The Curse of Cowardice - It takes no
courage to kick a dead dog, or to flog a dead horse. There is nothing brave about bowing to the mob
and echoing the mantras of the mass media. Courage is refusing to go with the flow. “You shall not follow a crowd to do
evil…” Exodus 23:2. But many
are following the crowd, the mob and participating in a movement that causes
great destruction of property and horrendous injuries, even taking innocent
lives during these destructive riots.
War Against
Christian Civilization -
(This paragraph is a summarizing recap! If you read it you get 1,000 points, and points don’t matter.)
What we are facing is a real war against Christian civilization. Through secular humanist, situation ethics indoctrination in state schools, through the disinformation regularly published in the main stream news media, through distraction and defilement in the so-called entertainment industry, through the debasing of the culture through perverse art and music, which is often nothing more than noise, through the toleration and promotion of perversion throughout the culture, the legalization of pornography and abortion, through guilt manipulation, psychological warfare, violent riots, intimidation and harassment, Marxist mob rule, the manipulation of emotions, through arson and anarchy, sabotage and subversion, we are seeing civilization set ablaze. Just as Churchill ordered the Special Operations Executive (SOE), to “set Europe ablaze” by using IRA terrorist tactics in countries otherwise at peace to provoke violent reaction. We are seeing law and order and civilization itself at risk of a catastrophic revolution that could plunge much of the world back into a dark age of anti-Christian paganism and perversion.
(This paragraph is a summarizing recap! If you read it you get 1,000 points, and points don’t matter.)
What we are facing is a real war against Christian civilization. Through secular humanist, situation ethics indoctrination in state schools, through the disinformation regularly published in the main stream news media, through distraction and defilement in the so-called entertainment industry, through the debasing of the culture through perverse art and music, which is often nothing more than noise, through the toleration and promotion of perversion throughout the culture, the legalization of pornography and abortion, through guilt manipulation, psychological warfare, violent riots, intimidation and harassment, Marxist mob rule, the manipulation of emotions, through arson and anarchy, sabotage and subversion, we are seeing civilization set ablaze. Just as Churchill ordered the Special Operations Executive (SOE), to “set Europe ablaze” by using IRA terrorist tactics in countries otherwise at peace to provoke violent reaction. We are seeing law and order and civilization itself at risk of a catastrophic revolution that could plunge much of the world back into a dark age of anti-Christian paganism and perversion.
Villainizing Victims and Victimizing Villains - It is time for
critical thinking, evaluating everything in the light of the Word of God. We need to call out the hypocrisy and double
standards being used and the tactics of villainizing the victims and
victimizing the villains. Facts do not
care about your feelings. Facts ruin
the BLM narrative.
The Problem is Sin – Not Skin - Racial
stereotypes are not helpful. The issue
is not skin it is sin. It is not race,
but lack of grace that should be our primary concern. It turns out that the ones who shout “racist!”
the most prove to be the most racist of all. It is easy to convince people that problems
are not their own fault. Black Lives Matter is a colossal smoke screen
deception operation attempting to deny personal responsibility for
fatherless homes, lawless behavior and a cover for greed, envy, malice and
hatred. Playing the blame game is
not a pathway to success. You
cannot riot your way to justice.
Love God and Love Your Neighbour - No Christian
should have anything to do with such a racist, Marxist Revolutionary,
anti-family and anti-Christian movement as BLM. It is an insult to law-abiding Christian
black people to suggest that all blacks support riots, looting and arson! Yet that is the implication when words are
weaponized and #BlackLivesMatter is made a mantra everyone is required
to chant. BLM is a
false religion with a false gospel and a false mission. It is malicious, Marxist and idolatrous. Reject the virtue signaling, indoctrination
and intimidation. We fear God alone. We bow to our Creator and Eternal Judge. Jesus
Christ is Lord! “Yet I have
reserved seven thousand in Israel, all whose knees have not bowed to Baal and
every mouth that has not kissed him.” 1 Kings 19:18
(End of article, all three parts.
I know this was long, but I am not apologizing.)
to ponder or RSVP
Thank you for reading, reviewing and/or pondering this
Is this war only in America?
Might much of the world plunge back into a dark age of anti-Christian paganism and perversion?
Might much of the world plunge back into a dark age of anti-Christian paganism and perversion?
How many churches, or Christians, have stopped
fighting? Have you stopped?
To whom else does this need to be shared?
Whose responsibility is it to ♫“Blow the trumpet in
Zion; sound the alarm on my holy mountain.”
Joel 2:1
♫ Turn
your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim In the light of His glory and grace. ♫
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim In the light of His glory and grace. ♫
Yosef a.k.a. Joe Brusherd July 7, 2020
Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith”
“Biblical Marriage (by Yosef)” Weekly “Hebraic Musings”
“Biblical Marriage (by Yosef)” Weekly “Hebraic Musings”
Credits: Dr.
Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship,
P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725, Cape Town South Africa
mission@frontline.org.za www.FrontlineMissionSA.org www.ReformationSA.org
mission@frontline.org.za www.FrontlineMissionSA.org www.ReformationSA.org
Note – The entire 6 page article is
available on request.
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