Hebraic Musing – What We Should Learn from the Tower of Babel?
account of the Tower of Babel starts with “Now
the whole world had one language
and a common speech.”
Gen.11:1 Almost all the whole world
today is on the internet AND most speech can be translated back into one’s
native tongue. How close are we to “one
language” and “speech”?
current thrust for Globalism or “One World Government” is being promoted by filthy
rich, ungodly and powerful leaders around the world. “They” want to take the earth’s 7 billion
population down to as low as 1 billion. “They”
simply don’t trust that God provided sufficient natural resources. God’s plan commanded man to “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the
earth and subdue it.” Gen.1:28. So
instead of working God’s plan “They” want and support birth control,
euthanasia, abortions, genocides and more to reduce the population to what
“They” think is sustainable.
plan at Babel was exposed in v.3 “They
said to each other, ‘Come, let's make
bricks and bake them thoroughly.’ They used
brick instead of stone,” to
“build ourselves a city,
with a tower that reaches to the
heavens, so that we may make
a name for ourselves and not
be scattered over the face of the whole earth.” What in that verse is contrary to God’s plan
for us?
So they want to build with
man-made bricks, instead of God-made
stone! And build it ourselves.
They want to live together in a city where godlessness, greed, sin, crime is
highest and far from God’s natural resources!
Why do missionaries have more success in rural and country areas rather
than cities?
They want a tower to reach heaven on their own, without God’s help. BTW, there are now more than 50 skyscrapers
in the world higher than the “Empire State Building”. Interesting!
They want to make a name for themselves, rather than giving
glory and honor to their Creator God!
And they don’t want to be scattered where each man can self-govern his life,
liberty and pursuits…and have to call on and depend on God.
LORD came down to see the city and said “If
as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then
nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down
and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.” Gen.11:5-7 Their plan is not His plan, so He had to
scatter them, thus creating a variety of languages, physical characteristics
and skin tones as man was separated into nations. God wants nations. So in vss. 8-9 the LORD stopped man’s “One
World Government” tower plan and scattered them and dubbed the Tower “Babel” –
Hebrew for “Confused”.
Babel the only time man tried to create a “One World Government”? The Bible describes in great detail
the Babylonian domination and takeover of God’s own disobedient and ungrateful
people. BTW – The Babylonian Empire was
conquered and destroyed overnight by the legendary Persian king Cyrus the Great
in 539BC after a drunken party by Belshazzar with handwriting on the wall;
that’s less than a century after its founding!
Remember these globalist empires
– Egyptian, Ottoman, Roman, Mongolian (and Google has many more!)? Is there a parallel in Nazi Germany’s and
Japan’s WWII effort? International Trade
Pacts? And why is the world now pushing for
the “United Nations”? Why were all
those authoritarian empires so short-lived?
believe that Man is the problem, there are too many of us! So we need to be controlled and eliminated if
necessary. So “They” try to get rid of
man by enslavement, destroying old systems like history & education. Thus it is “Woke” to destroy Christianity. They threaten and/or bribe businesses and
media to cooperate, especially those doing business globally. Thus we are being lied to! And because of “pressure” many Christians are
kneeling to false gods. Have we recently
been denied life, liberty and pursuit of happiness?
Our role? We know man is sinful, thus we need to preach
Jesus and his sacrifice for our sins.
There’s joy in living righteously with all 10 Commandments written on
our hearts; no joy in trying to obey commandments dictated to us by an
authoritarian government official.
The Problem
– The Christian church is being too nice!
We accommodate world views to build large churches with lots of
“Christians”; but are those churches filled with “Christ Followers”? Are some “Christians” more concerned about fitting
into the world than about being the people God created in His image? What is God’s priority? He told us in the creation account – God
created man in His image with freedom to choose, to self-govern; and He created
family and churches for us to be accountable to.
would have us governed communistically by a city, state, federal, world
government. What are, or what would be
the goal(s) of those self-appointed leaders with (absolute) authority? Who would be “lord” over us?
to ponder or RSVP
other nation has had a God-ordained & governed peoples besides Israel, and
then America?
many and which false gods are we being pressured to bow to?
Jesus always Mr. Nice Guy?
the definition of “Christian” been changed in America?
♫ He is Lord, He is Lord! He is risen from the dead and he is Lord!
Ev'ry knee shall bow, ev'ry tongue confess That Jesus Christ is Lord.. ♫
Ev'ry knee shall bow, ev'ry tongue confess That Jesus Christ is Lord.. ♫
Yosef a.k.a. Joe Brusherd July 21, 2020
Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith”
“Biblical Marriage (by Yosef)” Weekly “Hebraic Musings”
“Biblical Marriage (by Yosef)” Weekly “Hebraic Musings”
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