Hebraic Musing – Truth comes in Forties
(Hebraic Insight #2, originally published Oct.7, 2010)
You may have noticed many references in your bible to ’40
days’ and ’40 years’. The
word ‘forty’ is mentioned 157 times in the NIV.
Why is ‘Forty’ so prevalent and mentioned so often?
‘Truth’ in Hebrew is symbolized by ‘water’ – cleansing,
flowing, clean, pure, etc. And ‘truth’
is revealed as we go through periods of trials, probations, and
testings. The Hebrew letter Mem
is a symbol of ‘water’ and therefore represents or symbolizes ‘truth’. The Hebrew letter Mem has two forms. The normal Mem is written m which is open at the bottom, therefore
represents ‘truth revealed’ AND its numerical value is 40.
In Hebrew each letter has a numerical value; and letters also
serve as numbers by which one counts, etc.
Where is ‘forty’ mentioned in the bible, and how does
each use of ‘forty’ represent truth revealed by trials, probations,
testings, etc.?
Why is 40 days a
significant time period?
1st mention! – God told Noah… “I will cause it
to rain on the earth forty days and forty nights,” Genesis7:4
NKJV Thus the first ‘cleansing’ was
dramatically revealed – using WATER!!!
Do you see the revealing of truth through trials, probation,
and testing in these example passages?
· Gen. 25:20…Isaac was forty years old…
· Exod. 16:35 The Israelites ate manna forty years;
Num. 13:25 At the end of forty days they
(12 Spies or Explorers) returned from exploring the land.
A concordance search will find even more references to
‘forty’, each with a revelation – Moses, Goliath, Elijah, Ezekiel, etc.
And, in the Renewed Covenant we find:
Jesus was empowered for his public ministry of miracles by a 40-day experience
in the wilderness.
• The disciples
were transformed when Jesus spent 40 days with them after His resurrection.”
the introduction to The Purpose-Driven Life, Rick Warren explains the
scriptural basis for the 40 Days of Purpose Campaign:
Bible is clear that God considers 40 days to be a spiritually significant time
period. Whenever God wanted to change
someone's perspective and prepare them for His purposes, He often took 40 days:
• Noah’s life was transformed by 40
days of rain.
• Moses’ life was transformed by 40
days on Mount Sinai.
• David's life was transformed by
Goliath's 40 days of challenging Israel.
• Elijah was transformed when his
strength lasted 40 days on a supernatural meal God provided.
• The entire city of Nineveh was
transformed when God gave it 40 days to change.
May we never read or hear the word forty again
without reflecting on the Hebraic Insight of the meaning of Mem - Water
bringing cleansing, trials, testings and ‘revealed truth’.
Points to ponder
might happen to us if we were to fast 40 days?!?!
we use some cleansing by trials to reveal truths?
Thank you, Holy
Spirit, for revealing truths.
Yosef a.k.a.
Joe Brusherd July 16, 2024
“Hebraic Insights – Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith”
“Biblical Marriage (by Yosef)” Weekly
“Hebraic Musings” at InsightsByYosef.blogspot.com
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