Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Musing – The Jewish Family

Hebraic Musing – The Jewish Family**
There is no Hebrew word for "bachelor". (Not in the NIV, CJB or NKJV)  Marriage was looked upon as a covenant and patterned after Elohim's own covenant with Israel.  The marriage covenant is to be a lasting one.  Love was something expected to grow in a marriage relationship. 
The Jewish home has traditionally been a place of refuge, a little sanctuary from the storms and pressures of life.  The family was multi-generational, with great respect for the elderly.  Weekly the family would gather around the Sabbath table and reinforce their family ties.  As the head of the house and spiritual leader of the family, the father blesses each child then publicly blesses his wife.  As opposed to our culture where the only thing we bless is a sneeze, in the Hebrew culture washing hands is blessed along with seeing a rainbow, hearing it thunder, hearing good news or bad news.  The family was also welcoming to outsiders; hospitality was done graciously and cheerfully. 
I searched and cannot find the word parent used in reliable Bible translations; but did find some translations (and won’t say which ones) have blatantly translated ba , which is Av or ‘Father’, into ‘Parent’. Biblically, the father is responsible for raising the children in spiritual things and also a trade, so they would be prepared for adulthood. 
Re spiritual matters – God, speaking through Moses, said to the men in Deut. 6:6-7 "And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when…..” NKJV
Re teaching a trade – Jewish tradition says "It is a father's duty to teach his son a trade" and "He who does not teach his son a trade teaches him to steal".
God’s word does an excellent job of distinguishing between the roles of men and women, father and mother; however, even some of the Bible translations are missing that point.  Yes, mothers spend the most time with the children and typically do a lot of teaching.  But God holds the Dad responsible to make sure it is done, even if Mom is doing it.
Point to ponder
What can each of us do to restore the traditional Biblical Jewish Family structure?
Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd                                                             December 17, 2013
Author of two books “Hebraic Insights” and  “Biblical Marriage”
And weekly e-mails “Hebraic Musings Yosef1@cox.net  or  www.InsightsByYosef.com

** This Musing was inspired by Johanna Hocker; parts reprinted with her permission. Too good not to share!

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