Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Musing - Is the Christian Gospel preached in Torah?

Hebraic Musing - Is the Christian Gospel preached in Torah?
Let us look at the very opening word in the Torah.  In English it is three words “In the beginning”; but in Hebrew it is one word, “B’reishit” which is spelled   t y v a r b   (Hebrew reads right to left). The Hebrew letters and their symbolic meanings are:
b.   Bet            Tent or House
r   Resh         Man’s head or Highest
a   Aleph       Ox, strong or God
v   Shin         Teeth or Destroyed
y    Vav           Hand
t   Tav           Seal, covenant or Cross
So we have – the House(Temple) of the Highest God will be Destroyed by His own Hand on the Cross.  Doesn’t that sound like the Gospel message?
Now let’s look at the word “Torah”.  In Hebrew it is spelled h r w t.  The Hebrew letters and their symbolic meanings are: . 
T   Tav           Cross
W   Vav           Nail
R  Resh          Highest
H  Hei             Open window or Breath (or word of God)  How did John open his gospel? “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.  John 1:1-2
So we have -- the Head of the  Highest was Nailed to the Cross
Or we could say – On the Cross was Nailed the Highest   Word of God (Yeshua)
Some have said that the first foreshadowing of Messiah in the Bible was the covering of Adam and Eve with animal skin which required bloodshed. But maybe we have a Christian or Messianic message in the first word in Torah?  And in the word Torah? 
Point to ponder
I wonder how many more treasures are in the original Biblical Hebrew?
(Let me know if you want more)

Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd                                                            September 23, 2014                     

Books author “Hebraic Insights” and  “Biblical Marriage”
Weekly e-mails “Hebraic Musings
Yosef1@cox.net  or  www.InsightsByYosef.com

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