Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Musing - What ever happened to "Biblical Marriage"?

God was clear when he created man and the wonderful combination of marriage, sex, and childrearing.  Some rightly call that the “Golden Triangle”. When He blessed His first man and woman He also gave them their first commandment -- "Be fruitful and increase in number;…” Gen 1:28  NIV
But that original plan is about to be dismantled by the Supreme Court. The permanent union of a man and woman, husband and wife, and the raising of children was, and still is, the ideal plan for mankind according to Almighty God.  Where, when and how did all this go wrong?
·      In 1960 the FDA approved the "pill". I have heard the pill referred to as a human pesticide. This was the start of the sexual revolution in the 60’s and 70’s. Non-marital sex, adultery and avoidance of pregnancy became acceptable.
·      Out of this, the concept of abortion became a controversy instead of an abomination. This further damaged the concept of childBearing which includes childRearing as the purpose of marriage.
·      Co-habitation became popular in the 60s and it continues to be common to this day.  Co-habitation ignores the concept of biblical marriage and negatively impacts childBearing.  Can childRearing be done as effectively by the “Significant Other”? 
·      In 1970 no-fault divorce was introduced and is now available in all 50 states since 1985. The concept of permanency of marriage is no longer important or honored.  What is the impact on childRearing?
·      Societal pressures are causing many couples to consider getting their college degree and career started before getting married. With hormones running rampant “biblical marriage” fell by the wayside and the sexual revolution is going forward with full steam. 
·      Marketing of credit started in the 70’s. “Buy now, pay later” teasers financially strains marriages. “We can’t afford more children.” (I raised six; and I don’t regret sacrificing  a little “standard of living.”)
·      Meanwhile the church did not do its job to promote and educate regarding the purpose of marriage. Should sex education be taught in the church? Sex education is the responsibility of the father and mother, but one or both of them have been removed from their role in childRearing. (Now you know what inspired me to write the book "Biblical Marriage" in May 2012.) 
·      And a “Seeker-friendly” church focused on an very over-simplified message, "God is love."   As a result the concept and definition of love has been abused. What does it mean today when someone says “Let’s make love”? And therefore the LGBT movement is built on a seriously warped definition of love. The unchurched world found a devious way to go around God's original plan by using or abusing the word “Love”. A recent Focus on the Family article exposes the issue in a challenging headline “Shouldn't People Be Allowed to Love Who They Want?”  I really get concerned with the number of people who claim to love their cat or dog; where will this lead us?
If you are troubled by this, I wonder how God feels? 
Points to ponder
What can we do to promote biblical marriage?
Has your church given up trying to deal with the sexual revolution issues?
How many "Biblical Marriage" examples can you find amongst
your friends and acquaintances?   How many non-biblical relationships?
How many other societal problems would be solved
if biblical marriage was restored to this nation?
I really would like to hear and share your answers.                            June 23, 2015    
Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd,  Author::
Biblical_Marriage- available at Amazon and Kindle – search “Biblical Marriage Yosef”

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