Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Musings - Teachings by the Twelve Apostles to the Nations (1 of 2)

Hebraic Musings - Teachings by the Twelve Apostles to the Nations (1 of 2)
Another book that was almost included in the Bible is called “The Didache” – Commonly known as “The Lord's Teaching Through the Twelve Apostles to the Nations.”  It is one of the earliest preserved writings with dating estimates from AD 50 to 80.  Some say it could have been an Epilog to the OT; or an abridged version of the NT since it is only 4-5 pages long, only 16 chapters.  For the most part it is a more succinct reiteration of teachings found in the Gospels; however, it includes statements which seem to go deeper. 
Let’s review the “The Didache” in two parts. Next week we’ll look at chapters 7 to 16 dealing with affairs, practices and conduct of the early church.  Let’s look at the first six chapters containing statements about behavior, morality and Christian attitudes which are more definitive than we find in our traditional NT.  Do these “Didache” quotes (in italics) line up with the Spirit of our traditional NT teachings?
1:5 Give to everyone who asks you… but if one receives not having need, he shall stand trial, answering why he received and for what use. If he is found guilty he shall not escape until he pays back the last penny.
1:6 However,…, there is a saying: "Let your alms sweat in your hands until you know to whom to give them."
2:2 Do not commit murder; … do not corrupt boys; … you shall not murder a child, ... born or unborn…. (Does today’s church need this message?)
2:7 Hate no one; correct some, pray for others, and some you should love more than your own life.
3:4 My child, don't observe omens, since it leads to idolatry. Don't be an enchanter, or an astrologer, or a purifier, or be willing to see or hear about these things, for these all lead to idolatry.
4:5 Do not be one who opens his hands to receive, or closes them when it is time to give.
4:8 Do not turn away from one who is in want; rather, share all things with your brother, and do not say that they are your own. For if you are sharers in what is imperishable, how much more in things which perish!
4:9 Do not remove your hand from your son or daughter; teach them the fear of God from their youth. (And now we have laws against this command!)
4:10 Do not give orders to your servants when you are angry, for they hope in the same God, and they may lose the fear of God, who is over both of you. (“All men are created equal…”)
4:14 In your gatherings, confess your transgressions, and do not come for prayer with a guilty conscience. (Reflect before praying?!?!)
5 The way of deathThey do not know their Creator; they are murderers of children, destroyers of God's image. They turn away from those who are in need, making matters worse for those who are distressed.  (Apparently the Apostles didn’t believe in evolution!)
6:2 … bear the entire yoke of the Lord, …; but if you are not able, then at least do what you can.
Points to ponder
Do these commands agree with the Spirit of our Gospel teachings?
Are they more challenging?
Which church was/is more generous?  The Early Church or Today’s Church?
How much idolatry has crept into our lifestyle(s)?
 “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, …..” John 21:25
Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd                                                           May 2, 2017

Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith” 
“Biblical Marriage” “Musings - A Victorious Life”  “Musings - The Torah and New Testament”
Weekly “Hebraic Musings      www.InsightsByYosef.com

Note:  Quotes in italics from The Didache -- complete text translated and edited by Tony Jones, Creative Commons license.  And references are those used in that translation.  The entire five page book is available on request.

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