Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Musing – What are UnChristian things Christians are known for?

Hebraic Musing – What are UnChristian things Christians are known for?
David Kinnaman published the results of extensive research with the Barna Group in his book “Unchristian”.*  The results of his survey make me cringe (with introspection I realize these truths).  We know that church attendance is declining in America and the biggest challenge is reaching the younger generations.  So, if we can identify the UnChristian things we Christians are known for, can we start becoming more Christian?  Do we Christians today represent what Jesus had intended? 
What are we Christians known for?  Based on research “We have become famous for what we oppose rather than what we are for.”   How is present day Christianity perceived by Young Outsiders? **  Answer – Anti-homosexual, judgmental, hypocritical; and to a lesser degree – old-fashioned, too into politics, out of touch with reality, insensitive to others, not accepting of other faiths.  “But they have good values and principles.”
How many times have you been told that churches are full of hypocrites?  Unfortunately, they are right.  Lifestyles and perspectives of church-goers are not much different than those of people around us – No fruit, no holy living.  A majority of younger born-again adults believe gambling, co-habitation, sexual fantasies are morally acceptable.  They are living out their Christian faith with enormous moral laxity.  Meanwhile, Young People are searching for authenticity, but they find more transparent and authentic people outside the church.  Are we like the Pharisees?  They tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.” Matt 23:4  NIV    
Young Outsiders feel they know what we want before any words are uttered.  “Christians are insincere and concerned only with converting others.”  They know we want people to “Get Saved”.  (This is a big one for me personally.  My children and wife were telling me for years that I needed to “get saved”.  My response, “I’m not drowning, what do I need a life jacket for”.  This buzz-worded advice from my loving family fell on deaf ears for ten years!)  Outsiders typically have a lot of experience and background with the Christian faith – “Been there, done that”; and familiarity breeds contempt.  Surveys show that 65% of young adults have already made or assert a commitment to Jesus Christ at some point in their life!
Surveys show Christians are perceived by Young People as prideful and quick to find fault in others; they quickly see through this.  (While drafting this, I listened to a disciplee share his morbid past with me.  I asked if he had ever shared that information with any other Christians.  He quickly answered “No, they are too judgmental!”)   Introspective survey – Here is an “agree or disagree” statement -- “Christian churches accept and love people unconditionally regardless of how they look or what they do.”  Interesting results – Pastors agreed 76%; Christians and Churchgoers agreed about 45%;  but Outsiders agreed only 20%.  OUCH!
Solutions – What can we do as Christ-followers?  Maybe we should respond to people the way Jesus did?  He connected with people by developing relationships.  Are Christians poor listeners or self-centered?  Do we try to evangelize like “Speed Dating”?  Merely repeating what the Bible teaches is not considered valid or compelling evidence for most Young Outsiders.  When they come into our church they do not want to be scolded.  They need and require our help & empathy.  
Young people will not listen to us until they respect us.  Here are their suggested criteria for gaining respect and mutual esteem:   1. Listen to me; 2. Don’t label me; 3. Don’t be so smart; 4. Put yourself in my place; 5. Be genuine; 6. Be my friend with no other motives.  (When I first read this I said “Ouch” to myself.   I am finding this musing to be the most difficult ever to draft?)
Points to ponder
Sit in Starbucks and look around.  What do those people think of you as a Christian?
Are we Christians known for our love for our neighbor, or are we known as morality police?
We have Churches on every corner but the hurting people are on the outside.
Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd                               November 13, 2018  
Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith” 
“Biblical Marriage (by Yosef)”   Weekly “Hebraic Musings
*  These comments and paraphrases were gleaned from UNCHRISTIAN, by David Kinnaman, 2007;  253 pages
**  These perceptions come from surveys, conversations and firsthand experiences with Christians.
David Kinnaman - “My prayer is that this research will help to confirm things in your mind and soul
     so that your efforts with and concern for young outsiders will grow.”

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