Monday, September 13, 2021

Musing - Are You Paddling or are You Just Sitting in the Boat?

 Hebraic Musing - Are You Paddling or are You Just Sitting in the Boat?

How is our Christian walk, or ride, like white water rafting?  Here’s a good way to put our spiritual life and commitment into perspective.  Tom Robbins’ friend Brenda* shared an experience that had to do with her spiritual life and commitment.  Here’s her recount:

When going white water rafting with husband and 2 boys, the Guide hands out the oars for the demonstration of how we are to row through still water and through the rapids.  When he tried to hand me one I politely said "No thank you!  I'm just along for the ride."  He very patiently told me that I could not just ride.  He explained that I would be okay in the still waters but when we hit the rapids the only sure way to stay in the boat was to dig my oar deep into the water.  He went on...The surest way to get bounced out of the boat in the rapid water is to just be along for the ride!   With my next breath I politely asked for an oar!  I’ve been Happily paddling ever since!”

Are you paddling or are you just sitting in the boat?

I am convinced that God wants people who will paddle; who will dig their oars deep into life and make a difference.  That’s what the story of the Good Samaritan is about.

When the priest and Levite saw the man dying in the middle of the road, they walked around.  They were the types that were “just along for the ride.”  But when the Samaritan saw the man’s needs, he dug his oar deep into the water and made a difference.  This cost the Samaritan effort, money, and most importantly, his time.  But he was the one who did God’s will.   And Jesus concluded  “Go and do likewise.” Luke 10:37 

Again, are you paddling or are you just sitting in the boat?  Every day, every morning, God gives us the opportunity to pick up an oar and dig in deep.  I pray we do just that.

Suggested Prayer:  “Dear Gracious Heavenly God, please give me opportunities to serve you by serving others.” 

Don’t get bounced out of the boat.  Pick up an oar and start paddling.

Points to ponder

Are you encountering rough water that is trying to bounce you out of the boat?
Don’t get bounced out of the boat.  Pick up an oar and start paddling.

Being a secret admirer of Jesus costs nothing, but becoming a follower comes with a price.
Don’t get bounced out of the boat.  Pick up an oar and start paddling.

Life is a series of hills and valleys.
How much paddling does it take to get out of the valleys?

Our neighbors can be difficult to get along with;
are we willing to dig in, make the effort and get our hands dirty?

Pray to Jesus with all your heart; but keep rowing toward shore.

Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd                                      September 14, 2021
Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith”
“Biblical Marriage (by Yosef)”  Weekly “Hebraic Musings”

*  Inspired by & Excerpted from “Daily Devotional from Tom Robbins” 

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