Sunday, September 1, 2013

Musing – A Unique Torah Study!

Hebraic Musing – A Unique Torah Study!
Irene and I have been talking about going to Israel, but wanting to find the right tour group. On our last trip to her home church for 52 years, First Baptist Church of Downers Grove, we heard them announce a Dec.27 to Jan.5 trip – Perfect!  Decision made!  This is God’s hand! 
As an answer to my prayers and to my pleasure, my new bride, Irene, is enjoying the study of, and rapidly developing an appreciation for, the Old Testament teachings and the Torah and the biblical customs that are missing in many of today’s churches.  
Almost immediately after the ‘coincidence’ of this travel opportunity, one of Rabbi Eckstein’s Daily Holy Land Moments arrived with this message:
Jerusalem is referred to as the Holy City. The Torah says that there's a special relationship that the Almighty has with this particular place. For most people who live in Jerusalem, and even most visitors, that translates into some sense of a special feeling or a special consciousness. What is this uniqueness all about? [I experienced this unique peace even when we were there in August of 2006 while the country was at war with Lebanon!]
Sometimes it (uniqueness) expresses itself in the most unexpected ways. One day I was taking a taxi, and as soon as the ride began, the driver turned to me and said, "Teach me some Torah."
"Is this the cost of the fare?" I asked.
"No, it's the tip."
I shared a few words of Torah with him. "Now it's your turn," I said. "We have a long trip left."
The driver proceeded to weave together a web of beautiful Torah, drawing from Kabbalah and other esoteric sources. He was really getting into it, and I started to worry about whether his attention was on the road. When he finally finished, I was in awe.
"Where do you get this stuff from?" I asked him.
"What do you think I do all day? I collect Torah."
Welcome to Jerusalem! Where even the taxi drivers learn Torah all day!
Now you know why Irene and I are excited about our upcoming trip.
Point to Ponder
Why is Torah Study on Tuesday our favorite activity?
Simchat Torah (Joy of the Torah)
Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd                                     August 20, 2013

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