Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Musing – What is True Wealth?

Hebraic Musing – What is True Wealth?
In Psalm 49, Korach’s sons write, “Do not be overawed when others grow rich … for they will take nothing with them when they die, their splendor will not descend with them” (vv.16–17).  That begs the question “What might be True Wealth?
The Sages explain that the wealth in this verse – the kind that hurts its owners – is a reference to the wealth of Korach. Korach’s wealth gave him a false sense of security and caused him to think that he was greater than he really was. But Korach’s wealth ended up his greatest enemy. It led to his rebellion and his downfall.
Sages teach that Korach’s sons stood by his side in his rebellion. When the ground opened up, it swallowed Korach, his sons, and all their possessions. However, the Sages also teach that the sons of Korach repented while they were underground, and then, they were miraculously led out of it. While they were underground they composed Psalm 49 we read above.
Imagine this profound moment of clarity as Korach’s sons stood in-between worlds, watching their wealthy father and his prominent supporters perish in an instant. Where was their money now? All the money in the world could not buy back even a moment of life. Their money was now worthless.
There is a powerful story told about a member of the famous wealthy Rothschild family. Someone asked him, “Exactly how much wealth do you have?” In response, Lord Rothschild answered, “Let me show you.” He led the man to a room and showed him many documents. They were receipts from charities that he had supported. “These,” said Lord Rothschild, “are my only true possessions. Only the money that I have given away will accompany me to the grave.”
In the end, all possessions are meaningless; only our good deeds will be with us forever. So let us convert our wealth into charity and use our possessions to do kindness. Then we will have something of true value that will be with us forever.
Point to Ponder
Where do you look to measure your wealth?
What can we do, starting today, to be truly wealthy?
May the Lord bless you and keep you in good wealth
Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd                                     September 24, 2013
Author of two books “Hebraic Insights” and  “Biblical Marriage”
And weekly e-mails “Hebraic Musings  or

Inspired by and excerpted from Rabbi Eckstein’s ‘Holy Land Moments’ from July 4, 2013

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