Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Musing – Why do people go to church?

Hebraic Musing – Why do people go to church?
I have heard various reasons given like the ones below.  At first, I thought they obviously apply to the “other guy”; but then realized some of these reasons often apply to me too!   We are told in no uncertain terms “Do not forsake the fellowship of the Saints.”  Here are some not so “tongue in cheek” reasons “other” people give for attending church:
·         Family expectation – Mom and Dad insist I go.  I go to be sure my children go. Our family always goes together.  And where else will my children learn morality?
·         Blessings – God will bless me if I attend faithfully.  On the other hand, I might be cursed if I miss a Sunday, or worse if I stop attending.
·         Entertainment – Our church has great music and I love singing those songs; it’s a fun time.
·         Have to belong – (I actually heard this statement in Europe 25 years ago from a non-attender.) “I have to belong to The Church in order to get baptized, married and buried.” 
·         Love & Respect – Church is the only place I get respect; people there say they love me; besides, our family needs a church life in order to be respected in my social circles.
·         Social life – We do things together at church and those people are my friends.   I like hanging around with them.  I know the fellowship at the “Lodges” around town is better and one could have a social life there, but then my church friends look down at that “drinking crowd”.
·         Business networking – Church is where I get to know business owners and workers who help me with home projects and career networking.  In fact, many of my customers come from church connections.
·         Memories – I remember the fun days I’ve had with these people.  I remember the awe I had in my childhood while thinking of great things God had done.
·         Political persuasion – These people think like I do and how could I possibly worship with those in other churches who believe and vote for that “other” party that I can’t tolerate?
·         Patriotism – At least in church I can express my love for the USA and what we stand for without having to always be “politically correct”; and I get some meaningful political perspectives.
·         Distinctiveness – By attending my church I separate myself from folks of different denominations, races, nationalities and socio-economic backgrounds.  I’m not comfortable with “those” people.
·         Dating and mating – I can find a good girl, or guy, to date; and I may find the right mate from those at church.   That is a good reason for attending and I keep looking around for the right one.
Have you seen any of these reasons becoming the focus for some folks?
Points to ponder
Why do I go to church?  Have I really thought it through?
What would happen if I actually stopped attending church?
 “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing…” Heb. 10:25
What is the context around that verse?  There’s the real reason to go to church.

I’m so glad I’m a part of the Family of God                                           October 27, 2015       
Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd,   Author:                                                            
Note – Inspired by Steve Sheely’s column, Pastor of Rolling Hills Baptist Church (SBC)

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