Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Musing – Which of the Ten Commandments is the most important?

Hebraic Musing – Which of the Ten Commandments is the most important?
Three recent thoughts converged to raise this question. 
First, I heard of a survey asking “Assuming the cost of living remained the same in both scenarios, which would you prefer (a) To earn $100,000 while everyone else around you made $50,000, or (b) to earn $200,000 while those around you made $400,000?”  Logic would say that earning twice as much makes the most sense; however most people chose the second option!  Why?  Have we succumbed to the appeal of materialistic advertising feeding our own prideful nature?  Do we have a culture of covetousness in violation of the 10th commandment?
My second thought reflected on the January 2013 musing which asked “Do you have Enough?  Or do you have Everything?”  That musing referenced the two similar, but interestingly different, statements from Jacob and Esau when they offered gifts to each other. 
·      Esau’s response was I already have plenty, my brother. Keep what you have for yourself implying that he has plenty, therefore he has enough.  
·      Jacob’s response was Please accept the present that was brought to you, for God has been gracious to me and I have all I need. implying “I am satisfied and have everything I could ever need”.
We concluded that having enough implies that I am satisfied for now but leaves room for wanting more at some later date to feed our covetous nature.  Whereas, having everything is living a life of satisfaction, freeing us from the need and desire to covet.
So, could we consider the 10th commandment concerning coveting to be the most important commandment as it is the underlying cause of breaking the other commandments?
Third “on the other hand”, is the first commandment as numbered by the Jews the most important?  I am Adonai your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, where you lived as slaves.”  Deut. 5:6 CJB
Could it be that covetousness triggers the breaking of each of the other commandments? 
Just cogitating?
Point to Ponder
Do you have Enough?     Or do you have Everything?
Even more important, do you really feel that you have everything?
So which is more important – commandment #10 or #1?
Wishing you everything and Shalom                                                              November 3, 2015     
Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd,   Author:                                                            

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