Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Musing – Can We as Westerners Fully Appreciate an Eastern Culture Bible?

 Hebraic Musing – Can We as Westerners Fully Appreciate an Eastern Culture Bible?

I’ve been wondering about this; and Johanna Hocker published a paper that makes a lot of sense to me.

The context of the Bible is from the Eastern, Honor-Shame Culture; so knowledge of the Eastern Culture is essential to truly understand our Bible.  Israel seems close to Europe, but their culture was much closer to Asia’s, not Europe’s.  The Eastern culture in Bible times was based on “Honor – Shame” like Japan or China today.   

1.      Community is extended family oriented; Honoring of our neighbors builds community

2.      The Community shapes one’s identity; One’s Behavior is judged by the community

3.      Belonging is the ultimate goal.  When a person’s behavior is not acceptable, they are rejected by the community, i.e., “shamed”.  (A person will defend Islam even when they don’t practice it because it is part of their community identity)

4.      There is a strong need to be loyal to the community faith system.  To reject faith, is to reject community.

5.      Guilt is not internally generated; it is pricked by someone else when one is shamed by the community.

6.      It is difficult to change in that environment, one fears being rejected for going outside group expectations.

Yeshua was very honoring in His relationships with others, especially the children, sick and outcasts and lepers; and even with us!  But He spoke parables where He expected the listener to catch honor and shaming, e.g. the lost sons, The Prodigal Son, the Embezzling Manager, isolation treatment of the unrepentant sinner and church discipline by shunning/shaming.

Our Greek/Western culture (European and especially our American) is unique.  Our American culture is based on immigrants seeking a better life.  They were on their own and accepted the challenges presented to them.  Our Western “Culture” goes back to Greek society.  We see things as a dichotomy; a choice of right/wrong, leader/follower, good/bad, etc.  This leads to extreme emphasis on independence and identity:

1.   Identity is within self (not in context of a community).

2.   Individuality the norm.

3.   React to other’s with; “so what”.

4.   Lack of closeness with others.

5.   Guilt is internally felt, not externally administered.

6.   Protect self with walls.

7.   Belonging through nuclear family, sports teams, clubs, classes, etc.(rather than a community).

Characteristics of the Greek/Western Culture are derived from Greek gods.  They are to be worshipped with sex, eating dedicated food, entertained, adored, revered and celebrated; but NOT to be OBEYED.  Competition was by nude athletes trying to appease the gods by their great feats.  Knowledge was the key to everything.  Truth was determined by persuasiveness in philosophical debates!  Life was Intellectualized with abstract metaphysical concepts.  Sex, especially homosexuality, dominated life.  Gnosticism (man determining life, not God) has led to a monastic system and papacy.

Cultural & Biblical contrasts between Greek/Western and Hebrew/Eastern thinking:

·      Abstract – Concrete.  Greeks and the West are trained to be abstract not concrete.  Hebrew is very concrete, Hebrew words go back to house, family and land, with an agricultural theme.  When Hebrew is conceptual or abstract, it’s basics are founded on creation and the family.

·      Linear thinking of Greek leads to Dispensationalism & Evolution.  Hebrew thinking is cyclical – calendar of Sabbaths, new moons, appointed times, Shemitah, jubilee & agricultural cycles. 

·      Commandments of the Hebrew Bible are parental – loving instructions to protect, guide, sustain, restore and bless; not legislative.  

·      Action is expected from Hebrew thinking; while Greek describes and analyzes.

·      Worship: Greeks built huge coliseums to accommodate events for worshippers – like singing, instrumentals, nude dancing, homosexual acts, etc.  Clergy were over laity: people were told what to believe; but Hebrew focuses on the word “avodah” (service servitude).  Everything you do is worship, taking care of self and earth and doing it all for the glory of Yehovah.

·      Salvation in Greek is from knowing the right things.  Biblically, Yeshua is our Savior based on relationship.

·      Prayer in Greek culture is a leader’s call for help.  In Biblical Hebrew, we each talk to Yehovah directly.

·      Nature of Man: In Hebrew, unity of spirit, soul and body; holy, righteous, good, redeemed; sanctified actions are important; not just the Greek’s thinking and intellectualizing.

Points to ponder

Might we better understand the Bible if we set aside Greek thinking
and use “honor/shame” thinking?

Is our contemporary culture, becoming more Greek-like?

Do most people worship a triune god – Me, Myself and I?

“Is loving your neighbor as yourself” an Eastern Hebrew or a Western Greek concept?

Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Phil.2:4 NIV

Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd                                    September 27, 2022
Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith” 
“Biblical Marriage”     Weekly “Hebraic Musings      InsightsByYosef.blogspot.com

Note – Inspired & excerpted from Johanna Shager Hocker johannachina@bevcomm.net  “This information is from a Focus on the Family program by Abdu Murray, Seeing Jesus from the East.  And Let This Mind Be in You by Brad Scott.”

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