Monday, February 5, 2024

Musing - Largest granite Monument was built by early Americans. Why?

 Hebraic Musing - Largest granite Monument was built by early Americans.  Why?

When the early American settlers sought and fought and won Freedom from England, they commemorated that monumental feat with an 81-foot-tall “largest granite Monument ever built.”The dedication on the monument reads, “National Monument to the Forefathers” and it depicts our newfound Freedom & Liberty in the five key figures carved into the monument in Massachusetts.  

A statue of a person holding a cross with National Monument to the Forefathers in the background

Description automatically generatedOn the main pedestal stands the heroic figure of “Faith” with her right hand pointing toward heaven and her left hand clutching the Bible.  Upon the four buttresses are seated figures emblematic of the principles upon which the Pilgrims founded their Commonwealth.  The top figure, Faith, stands on a foundation of these four figures.

Woman of Morality – Morality is to come from within, from obedience to the 10 commandments; not from man or the Laws of the King of England.  Under "Morality" stands both a "Prophet" and an "Evangelist" for the purpose of the New World was to build a civil society based on love and moral integrity. 

Man of Law – Law requires both "Justice" and "Mercy."  We are to live up to God’s Law with Justice, depicted by scales, and Mercy through civility.  Under the statute of Law is “Treaty”, a pictorial reminder that the Pilgrims entered a just and mutually beneficial treaty with the local Indian tribe based on a higher law which ensured fair treatment and mutual respect between the communities.

Woman of Education – Education needs to focus on "Youth" and "Wisdom".  This is a testimonial to the iconic signing of the Mayflower Compact which became a model of free and educated men covenanting to form a civil political body and establishing a model for future documents of freedom like the Declaration of Independence.  
BTW – When did the corruption of our education system begin?  In the 1950’s based on my perspective.

Man of Liberty – He is standing on "Tyranny Overthrown" and "Peace" and depicting the slain lion (England).   He is wearing the armor from Ephesians 6:10-17 – The belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes of the gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and sword of the Spirit. 

What’s happening in our current culture?  How is this Monument from our forefathers being torn down?  What’s happening to our education system that is being taken over by the government?  Is the younger generation being taught that there is a new way to think?  Is there a new morality to replace the 10 commandments?  What have colleges been teaching ever since the 1950’s?  Or not teaching?  Is our government focused on serving the people?

SUMMARY:  Our forefathers foresaw our need for God’s Morality, God’s Law, Education in God’s ways and God’s armor to overthrow tyranny (the Lion).  Do we still need these today?

Points to Ponder

 Removing the “10 Commandments” from the schools started in the ‘40’s;
have they also been removed from our cultural morality?

Is it okay for man to decide Right and Wrong?

Why is Social Studies replacing History in the public-school curriculum?
Does our education system provide tools to detect lies in our culture?

How are each of the four foundations of the Monument, or our nation, crumbling? 

For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; …” 1 Thess.2:7a NIV

Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd                                      February 6, 2024
Author: “Hebraic Insights – Messages exploring the Hebrew roots of our faith”
“Biblical Marriage (by Yosef)”        Weekly “Hebraic Musings” 

Note – Inspired by “Biblical Citizenship” presentation by Brian Rohlman at FBC of the Ozarks, 1/17/24

*   “National Monument to the Forefathers” in Massachusetts is thought to be the largest solid granite monument in the United States.  This 81-foot-tall granite statue was built to honor the passengers of the Mayflower.  It features allegorical figures depicting the virtues of Faith, Morality, Education, Law, and Liberty.  On the main pedestal stands the heroic figure of “Faith” with her right hand pointing toward heaven and her left hand clutching the Bible.

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