Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Musing - Does America need to become a dictatorship?

Hebraic Musing - Does America need to become a dictatorship?
In so many ways we no longer operate as a "Christian nation".  What is the significance of this?
In Genesis we find Almighty God as creator of the world initially as well as creator of the creative powers and He continues to operate creatively in our world.  He is part and parcel of all we do.  For in Him we live and have our being” Acts 17:28 NIV.    As a result we should not entertain a difference or distinction between the “sacred and secular.” The word “Secular” is not in nor even implied in the Bible.  Greek philosophers have taught that man's reasoning preempts the ongoing role of a creator God.  God may have created us initially but Plato's and Aristotle's Greek-think and Scientific thinking has ruled ever since; and has usurped God’s creation role by making Nature and Science the new Gods, thus changing the classroom curriculums for the last few generations.  Has Greek-think crept into the Christian way of thinking?  And you ever heard “May the “Force be with you”?
America has entered an era in which Judeo-Christian based laws of the land are no longer being honored; and being replaced by “feel-good reasoning.” Today, 90% of the children are educated in public schools where God's role and Biblical truths cannot be taught anymore. In the 1830s Alex de Tocqueville came from France to examine America (p.124*) and he observed amongst other things, "Almost all education is entrusted to clergy". That is just one clue as to how important Christianity was to the thinking and morality of America in our foundational days. In that same era, Noah Webster, born 1758, noted "The education of youth should be watched with the most scrupulous attention.  Education in a great measure forms the moral characters of men, and morals are the basis of government" (p.132*) then he said "it is much easier to introduce and establish an effectual system for preserving morals, than to correct, by penal statutes, the ill effects of a bad system.
And today we see a classic example of crippled thinking in a Facebook post of a mother saying "Mothers should not have to be worried about their son being shot and killed when robbing a store."  Is this another piece of evidence that Judean-Christian morality is not been taught to our populous? We have a nation no longer capable of self-rule by relying on internalized and pervasive Biblical morality.  
Our founding fathers felt that a government "by the people" might just work with a "moral and religious" population. (p.126*)  They felt individuals with moral self-government under God would bring peace, order and political prosperity to a new kind of governmental system based on this Judeo-Christian oriented, revolutionary idea.  Free-speech could be entrusted to such a populace, as could the freedom of the press and even the right to bear arms.
Robert Winthrop echoed Ben Franklin’s sentiments (p.127*) when he said “Men… must necessarily be controlled either by a power within them, or by a power without them; either by the Word of God, or by the strong arm of man, either by the Bible, or by the bayonet.”
Points to ponder
Have we reached a point in which bayonets are needed to enforce morality?
Have we outlived the “government by the people” experiment?
Since a Theocracy is out of the question,
is it time to campaign for the most efficient government – a “Benevolent Dictatorship?
Yosef   a.k.a.  Joe Brusherd,   Author:                                                            September 8, 2015    
*  Page references are from “Assumptions that affect our lives – A clash and contrast between Greek philosophy and Hebrew wisdom and their role in shaping Western Christianity” Christian Overman

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